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PAX EAST Spotlight: Spin Rhythm XD

By: Peeziest

Spin Rhythm is a rhythm game where the main instrument is a set of turntables. Like most rhythm games, the ultimate goal in Spin Rhythm is to complete each stage while earning as many points as possible. Consistent accuracy increases your streak, rewarding more points. Not only did I get a chance to play the game at PAX, the devs provided a MIDI DJ controller for me to use. It's basically a set of turn tables in video game controller form. Having never used one of these controllers before, I faced a bit of a learning curve. Nevertheless, I had a blast!

In short, gameplay features a track that moves colored dots and bars from the top of the scren to the bottom, where your wheel is. The wheel has red and blue portions, matching the colors on the dots and bars. You can spin the wheel to the left and right, allowing your to match the colored portions of the wheel to the dots and bars. Bars are special in that they require you to tap the controller. In my case, it meant I needed to actually slap the right turntable on the controller.

If you don't have a MIDI DJ controller, no worries! Mouse and Keyboard controls are available on the Steam version.

In addition to dots and bars, you'll find several other mechanics at play. Some sections require you to spin the wheel freely in a certain direction. Other sections require you to follow a semitransparent path. Requiring you to spin the wheel back and forth in a guided pattern. Harder difficulties introduce a green bar, which requires slapping a second table with your offhand.

This early build of the game featured a great selection of tracks to pick from, with word of more to come over time. Developer Super Spin Division is teaming up with the record label Monstercat, who you may recognized from Rocket League and Beat Saber.

Super Spin Division is out now on Steam Early Access, with plans to release on the Nintendo Switch later this year.