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PAX East Spotlight - Alt-Frequencies

Alt-Frequencies is a puzzle game where you record statements from various radio stations, and try to influence others with out of context recordings.

The plot of the game follows time loop technology. Someone activated the time loop early, causing the day to repeat itself. The player, being exempt from the loop, is tasked with recording statements from various radio outlets, and sending them to other stations in an attempt to influence their behavior and solve an overall goal. At some point, the day will reset, bringing the player back to the start.

The Alt-Frequencies demo started with a recording claiming that a Politician is up to no good, but the local News Station won't accept/respond to your recording, since it doesn't contain any proof. Thus, you need to present the message to a station that will respond, in the hopes that they will react, which then opens additional dialog you can record. 

Thechallenge is in how statements are recorded and sent. You can only record aportion of a broadcast at a time: basically a sentence or two. Thus you need tofind a message with a clear statement, and then present it to a station thattakes interest in the message.

Thegame features a simple interface, but is primarily an audio-basedexperience.  According to the developer,accessibility was a large focus on the game, especially so for the visuallyimpaired.

Alt-Frequencies offers a unique experience, and is certainly worth a look. Take a look at their site for more information, and check out our audio interview below.