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NYCC 2018 Exclusive - The Minds Behind The Dragon Prince (Interview)

By: Archmage

Since Avatar: The Last Airbender concluded 10 years ago, fans of the series have longed for another animated adventure of similar scope and depth. When it was announced that a new series from the same creators sought to do just that, fans were cautiously optimistic.

With The Dragon Prince having been out for nearly a month, securing a 100% "Fresh" certification on Rotten Tomatoes and building a solid fanbase in short order, we reached out to Wonderstorm, the company behind The Dragon Prince, in order to sit down with co-creators Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond. They did us one better, bringing executive producer Giancarlo Volpe to the table as well. Take a listen as they discuss the motivations behind The Dragon Prince, provide a response to concerns around the animation style, and much more!

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Many thanks to Wonderstorm Inc. for helping us coordinate the interview!