The Geekly Grind

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By: RogueSymbiote

If you haven’t read No One Left To Fight (NOLTF) issue 3 yet, check out my spoiler free review right here!



Winda's advances force an uncomfortable Vale to openly reveal his love for Krysta. Heartbreak turns into fury when Vale expresses his brotherly love for Winda. The female warrior explodes with power and blasts Vale from Mistress Harga's home. Vale refuses to fight back as Winda calls him out for being a coward and choosing to be alone.

As Winda leaves her childhood crush, Vale once again envisions a potential future with a pregnant Winda on the beach. Our protagonist is shaken out of his vision by his former adversary, The Hierophant. The imposing villain acknowledges Vale's significant decrease in power and offers to cure his "affliction". Vale refuses the promise of life from decay, but The Hierophant may have already planted seeds of destruction.

The next morning, our band of heroes gather to continue their journey. Winda says her goodbyes while wishing Vale luck in finding what he needs. After they depart, Winda breaks down to Mistress Harga that she has nothing and no one. Her wise teacher quickly corrects this falsehood and Winda is quickly swarmed in the loving embrace of her young students.


If you've read my non-spoiler review, you already know how much I enjoyed this issue. From the realistic dialogue to the painstakingly intricate art, this issue has everything a comic fan could hope for. NOLTF continues to tug at the heartstrings with a tragically complicated love story. Even the most incredible powers can't cure heartbreak.

The Hierophant's necrotic presence perfectly contradicts the vibrant world of NOLTF. Their brief interaction effectively conveyed insight into their past encounters. I immediately pictured epic battles... prequel series please!!! The Hierophant's endgame is sure to shake up Vale's world. This defender of decay's mention of Vale's affliction intensifies the mystery behind his visions. We continue to build towards an epic conclusion that I'M NOT READY FOR!!! Dark Horse needs to renew this series after issue 5. It's blatantly obvious how much more story co-creators Aubrey Sitterson and Fico Ossio have for NOLTF and I need to read it all!