The Geekly Grind

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By: RogueSymbiote

One of the best parts of my week is receiving early access copies from Dark Horse Comics. Among the fantastic running titles, one radiant beacon of anime-influenced awesomeness shines brighter than the rest, No One Left To Fight! With issue 3 hitting shelves Sept 4th, its time to share my spoiler free first impressions.

When we last saw Vale, Winda was attempting to bust out of the friend/little-sis zone. Their interactions throughout this issue feel genuine and heartfelt. The pain and frustration from both parties are masterfully articulated through dialogue and illustration. True feelings for characters that were hinted at in previous issues are finally confirmed, leading to some awkward interactions.

The action we've been waiting for is finally here! Fico Ossio's ability to portray action is nothing short of stellar. His colors, along with colorist Raciel Avila, result in some of the most stunningly beautiful pages in comics PERIOD. The Hierophant's character design is epic! You know a character is fully visually realized when you can distinctly hear their voice. Of course, it helps when the dialogue comes from the eccentrically talented Aubrey Sitterson. In only 20 pages, Sitterson is able to incorporate legitimate character growth. We continue to see glimpses of Vale's mental instability and witness potential seeds of destruction by the Hierophant.

No One Left To Fight continues to leave me wanting more. There's so much story left to tell and I have no clue how Sitterson and Ossio will pull it off in only 2 issues. If you haven't added issue 3 to your pull list, do so immediately! This series deserves to continue after it's initially announced 5 issue run comes to an end. If you're more into digital comics, preorder your copy right here!