By: RogueSymbiote
Hot off the success of a SOLD OUT premiere issue, we were lucky enough to recieve an early copy of No One Left to Fight issue 2! As the title suggests, No One Left to Fight centers around Vale and his companions trying to figure out what comes after defeating their most powerful enemy. Writer Aubrey Sitterson and artist Fico Ossio draw inspiration from anime like Dragon Ball Z and One Punch Man to develop an aesthetically breathtaking world with deep personal relationships.
Issue 1 is visually stunning and laid the foundation for character development. Issue 2 builds upon that foundation through an emotionally charged narrative elevated by art that allows the reader to understand the impact these words have on characters. This dynamic weaving of dialogue and art generates investment in both the characters and story. The color palette alone is enough to draw you in.
The journey to where Vale defeated their greatest enemy begins with a visit to their former instructor, Mistress Harga. Tensions flare as not everyone is pleased to be reunited. I am purposefully remaining vague because No One Left to Fight deserves to be experienced without any spoilers. Issue 2 contains some new faces, potential enemies, further character development and... romance? Overall, issue two is a fantastic read that proves the greatness of issue 1 was not a fluke (which I never thought was the case anyway). I get the feeling that Sitterson and Ossio are building towards some phenomenal revelations and epic comic panels. I can't wait to see where the series goes from here.
If you sadly missed out on picking up No One Left to Fight issue 1, do not worry! Issue 1 is going into its second printing (with a phenomenal new cover by Ossio I might add) which you can pre-order right here! Issue 2 is set to hit comic shelves on August 7th, but you can make sure you don't miss out by ordering yours right here! No One Left to Fight is one of my favorite new reads. If you enjoy Dragon Ball Z or anime in general, I would strongly suggest picking up this series.
If you've already read issue 1 and want to hear more from the creators of this fantastic new series, check out Mithrandiel's interview with Sitterson and Ossio from San Diego Comic Con! They do talk spoilers so you've been warned!
Note: Dark Horse provided us with a review copy in exchange for an honest review.