My Hero Academia - Volume 22 (Review)
By: EyeSpyeAlex
I’m back with another review of My Hero Academia! Need to catch up? Check out my previous review here!
The Story
Despite their best efforts, Yaoyorozu’s team is vested by Class B. Match 3 has Ida and Todoroki leading Class A towards victory against Class B. Well, they don’t necessarily win, but they also don’t lose. With both teams matched in terms of strength, the battle ends in a lackluster tie, leaving the teams tied at a score of 1-1.

Feeling the pressure, Bakugo takes charge of his team in match 4. In a surprising moment of character development, Bakugo protects Jiro from an attack by one of Class B’s heroes. With teamwork their priority, Class A quickly overpowers Class B and wins the match!
Finally, it’s time for match 5. While both teams prepare to give it all everyone knows who the primary target is: Midoriya. As Midoriya prepares to search the field for Class B he is surprised to find Class B’s Monoma waiting for him. Despite the relatively dull conversation, Monoma insulting Bakugo triggers Midoriya, causing a surge of power beyond his control.

Through a flashback we see Monoma and Shinso discussing how best to take down Midoriya. Shinso mentions that he got Midoriya under his control during their fight by insulting Bakugo. At least we know why Midoriya’s powers went into overdrive.
Unfortunately this knowledge we have does nothing to help Midoriya regain control. Ururaka attempts to subdue Midoriya, but quickly realizes she is no match for him. As a last resort, Uraraka pleads with Shinso to get Midoriya under Shinso’s mind control powers. Shinso does his best, channeling the control into a suggestion of a fight between him and Midoriya.

This turns out to be exactly what Midoriya needs. He prepares to face off against Shinso, only to encounter a vestige of One for All. With the former hero’s encouragement, Midoriya readies himself for battle.
The Review
I’m not a huge fan of this volume of My Hero Academia. In fact, I almost feel like I made a wish on a monkey’s paw by hoping for more in-class moments. Don’t get me wrong, I do want more of these chapters to occur. But, there needs to be a better balance of classroom adventures versus plot expansion. These last two volumes have felt more like filler than anything else, which is really disappointing.

I think one thing that could have saved this volume is a focus more on the fight scenes themselves rather than the dialogue. My Hero Academia always knocks the action scenes outta the park. Has the focus been more on those moments rather than the conversations I would have enjoyed this volume a lot more.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. During match 5, All Might takes a phone call from Gran Torino, hoping to learn more about the vestiges and the history of One for All. Although we don’t learn much from this brief encounter, I am hopeful that this signals a return to the mystery behind the quirk.