Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
A Hunter's Frozen Dream!
By: Zukku

The joy of Monster Hunter has returned in a flurry as hunters are welcomed to a frozen wonderland. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne expansion has finally released and for a veteran hunter it has been nothing but pleasing. This massive expansion is what the players have been waiting for! With almost as much game-play time as Monster Hunter: World, Iceborne brings a whole new level of enjoyment to the game.
For those who are just coming into the franchise, Iceborne offers new challenges - with the reveal of master rank and some tricky monsters- and for those who have been with it since the beginning, you will not be disappointed!
With the phenomenal design of a new frozen world, bringing out new monsters, being able to ride the smaller ones, and more importantly some old and much missed favorites (Brachy, my boy!), hunters are in for a special treat as they make their way through a beautifully woven new story. While keeping with the originality of Monster Hunter: World, the story adds more depth as you get to explore and expand on the idea of this “New World.”

With new monsters comes one of my personal favorite part of the Monster Hunter series, crafting new weapons and armor series. While some of them seem silly (who doesn’t enjoy beating monsters with a frozen fish), the overall designs are just as breathtaking as always. With layered armor sets, the hunter also gets more opportunity to really delve into the customization that veteran hunters and newcomers can really enjoy. With so much range, it allows the player to be fully immersed and grants the opportunity to really feel that this is their hunter.
While Iceborne brings a whole new challenge, it also encourages new hunters to progress through the story of Monster Hunter: World. Being unable to reach the new land until you finish the main story may seem frustrating at first. However, with the first fight pushing hunters to their limits, you are going to want to make sure you are ready for the exciting new challenges that are ahead of you. Even for someone who has poured hundreds of hours in Monster Hunter: World, I was still surprised and delighted by the first quest you encounter. Beotodus was surprisingly difficult, as I approached him with the cocky air of someone who has already spent hours slaying every monster in the book. As you progress through the story, you will continue to face off with new and old monsters; every one more challenging than the last.

Iceborne does not disappoint. The fighting mechanics in the game only continue to improve, especially with the introduction of the Clutch Claw. The graphics are gorgeous, even though some of the weapons may seem out of place. Plus, with the beautiful soundtrack this is a game that should not be played on silent. With such a large expansion, what is not to like, there is something in it for hunters of all seasons. BUT, trust me when I say you will get frustrated. You may want to curse a few of the monsters out, but it just makes it that much more enjoyable when you finally overcome them. So, sit back, grab your hunting party, some S.O.S flares, a tasty Grammeowster meal, and armor up for one of the most enjoyable expansions in the Monster Hunter series.