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Mithical Entertainment @ SVCC: Day Three

By: ZeloOmegaDay three kicked off with some great panels, with topics ranging from geek law and creating comics in the digital age to discussions about cosplay and fandom after 30 (sounds familiar...).After peeking into a couple of these panels, I spent the first couple hours wandering the hall. There was some great cosplay wandering around, and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to get them on camera.My first scheduled event of the day was to see the one and only Stan Lee host his panel. He discussed his long and impressive career, sure, but the most entertaining segment came when he discussed his favorite and least favorite cameos. His favorite? Avengers: Age of Ultron. When asked about his least favorite he issued a condition - that the attendee would also ask why it was his least favorite. They complied, and Lee confessed his least favorite cameo was early on "I think my 2nd one..." he said " one of the Spider Man movies." Why? He only got one second to act! The director couldn't capture all of his passion and skill as an actor. Afterwards he said he and the director "had a long chat" and the next cameo they gave him an extra couple seconds.Overall, Mr. Lee's panel was terrific. Highly entertaining and insightful, the 93-year-old comics legend showed no signs of slowing down, and played the room like a pro.[robo-gallery id="18579"]Following the panel it was time to spend some more money, so I made another round through the dealers' hall and came across our good friends 2.5d. Their work was tempting, but since Mith wasn't around, no purchases were made. (Editor's note: Dammit.)[robo-gallery id="18574"]After some shopping I made my way to the "Con Man" panel. No, I wasn't about to get fleeced: Con Man is a web-series loosely based on Alan Tudyk's experience within the convention scene. It revolves around actor Wray Nerely, who enjoyed a brief gig as a spaceship pilot on the fictional series Spectrum. Following its cancellation after one season, it becomes a cult classic (ringing a bell?) While Wray's former co-star, Jack Moore (played by Nathan Fillion), goes on to become an A-list celebrity, he tours the convention scene and nurtures the fandom that's developed around him. Tudyk's idea raised over $3 million from fans on Indiegogo, and a 2nd season is currently in the works.alan-tudykThe Con Man panel was a lot of fun. Alan and Nathan shared some great stories, and even showed a few selections from their outtake reel:[iframe id=""]Before I knew it the day was coming to an end. Before things wrapped up, Steve Wozniak and Stan Lee hosted the closing ceremonies, where they re-created the conversation that gave birth to SVCC as we know it:[iframe id=""]SVCC did experience some growing pains on Saturday, when registration seemed to slow to a crawl for a couple hours, but other than that the rest of the con ran very smoothly. If SVCC can continue to attract high-profile guests, it is sure to grow into a locus for geek culture in the Bay Area.But for now, SVCC is over. The convention hype came and went and now we're left in its wake, suffering from post-con depression. Still, it was fun while it lasted, and the final day of panels and guests really solidified SVCC as a convention with some serious potential to stick around. We definitely look forward to covering it again next year!I would be remiss if I didn't give a huge shoutout to my friend Tina, who helped out immensely with coverage on Day 3. You can view her cosplay here.Now, we've got our eyes set on WonderCon, which is next weekend. Keep coming back for more anime, video game and tech coverage!Were you at SVCC? What did you think? Sound off in the comments and let us know how your experience was!