Mithical Entertainment Plays... Pandemic Legacy: February

**This is a work of fiction based on gameplay of Pandemic Legacy. Full spoilers below**  The starting board after JanuaryOur supervisors are jerks.After our continued failures in January, apparently someone up high began reading my letters. On February 1st we received two new recruits – a scientist named Ashley and a Quarantine specialist named Sheelah. We also received updated orders… benching Gumby and I for all of February. Our supervisors are Jerks.I understand why they benched Gumby. The official stance was that he was being removed from active missions so that his “priorities can be reexamined.” Reexamining his priorities apparently requires trained psychotherapists and a strait jacket.  Oddly, reexamining his priorities does not require that he is removed from the general populace. Thus, I get to listen to him screaming about his need to eradicate the red plague while I write these notes.As for me, I was reassigned to the job of “documentarian,” which I am not entirely sure is a word.  My task is to document the events of future missions and report back to the supervisors. It’s annoying. First they don’t listen to me when I complain. Now they’ve demoted me from a field scientist to Chief Complainer.Fine. If my job is to be Chief Complainer, I will start with my Chief Complaints.First, it doesn’t seem like anyone is taking this seriously. The “new recruits” aren’t people who have been trained for this job or who even worked in the CDC to begin with. Ashley is an ex-coworker of Marie’s and Sheelah is Manowar’s daughter. You can kind of tell by the name.Ashley and Marie spend half of their time texting back and forth. I once asked Ashley what the difference was between a scientist and a researcher. She told me that researchers find existing information while scientists discover new information. I asked Marie the same question and she told me that scientists make haphazard guesses while researchers actually learn about the field they are studying. They’re both idiots, in my opinion. Ashley, the "Scientist." Apparently you can just major in... science.I didn’t really talk to Sheelah much. Manowar spent most of his time hovering over her or near her and he makes me uncomfortable. He’s been surreptitiously glaring at me for the past two weeks and it is unnerving. Maybe the higher ups told him that I was the one who ratted him out.Sheelah was extremely concerned that none of us had ever considered quarantining cities before she got here. We all looked away sheepishly except for Gumby (who was tied to a table) who shouted “I AM THE CURE FOR ALL THAT PLAGUES YOU!”Even though it seems like she only got the job because Manowar is her father, I am glad Sheelah is on the team. We cannot figure out how to treat people who contract C0dA, so those quarantines come in handy. To make things worse, riots are still raging in Montreal, New York, all over Africa, and all over South America.The unofficial hero of the day - Sheelah. I would like her more if she wasn't related to Manowar.Fortunately, with just a few phone calls, Sheelah was able to quarantine most of South America which helped limit the spread of the outbreak. The rest she was able to keep contained in person. At least when Manowar wasn’t ordering her back to his side. I swear, he never let her spend more than a few days away from him before ordering her home.For his part, Manowar spent most of February traveling back and forth between London and Essen. He said he was trying to contain the blue plague, but it looked like each city only got worse whenever he entered.Ashley and Marie were able to discover the cure to red through a string of encoded text messages that I will never understand. What does a neck beard emoji even symbolize?The team saw an opportunity to eradicate the blue plague and they jumped on it, leaving only Ashley to keep the infection rate down in Lagos. The entire rest of the team was relaxing in Miami when the outbreaks started. Ashley still won’t talk about what she saw in Lagos, but it must have been bad. She can’t even discuss Africa without shaking profusely.Oh Ashley. We never should have left you behind.The important information is that we succeeded in keeping everything contained. We opened a new permanent research station in Kolkata and we gathered more information about the blue plague, hopefully making it easier to cure in the future.Due to Ashley’s failures to contain all of the outbreaks in Africa, the city of Kinshasa has been hit with so many riots that the city itself is collapsing.But apparently February is still considered a win.We did so well, in fact, that they cut our funding.Our supervisors are jerks.Ending board of February. Poor Kinshasa....  


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