Megalo Box - Episode 2 (Review)
By: MithrandielMiss my review of last week's episode? You can find it here!One of the strongest starters of the season, Megalo Box has returned this week to sate the appetites of boxing anime fans everywhere, and pull us back from the cliffhanger they dangled us over last week! Let's dive in!
Spoilers ahead!
When we last left off, Yuri had surprised Junk Dog and Nanbu by showing up at the underground ring, and the two squared off in a tense matchup.Yuri quickly demonstrates what makes him the Champion, with devastating jabs that could single handedly knock out lesser fighters. After a few punches, Yuri concedes that he will give Junk Dog a handicap and only use one arm. This pisses Junk Dog off, and he charges in, expecting to create an opening and instead inviting a powerful blow that takes him to the ground.
After struggling to his feet, Junk Dog gets another go at the Champion, this time forcing him to use his other hand to block a strong cross. Yuri then commits to showing Junk Dog what real Megalo Boxing is, and within 30 seconds has knocked Junk Dog out.Before he gets a chance to leave, Junk Dog leans over the edge of the ring, not impressed by his "Real Megalo Boxing" that couldn't even kill a stray dog. Yuri dismisses him and says that he will no longer scrap with dogs in the underground ring. If Junk Dog wants to challenge him again, he has to meet him in his ring by entering Megalonia.
Following the fight, Junk Dog is fired up and ready to pursue the top spot. He hands his coach, Nanbu, a flier for Megalonia and tells him that he wants to register and fight Yuri again. Nanbu isn't impressed, and reminds him that they're just a couple of nobodies."Guys like you and me, we don't get to think about tomorrow." he says, placing his earpiece into Junk Dog's hand as they prepare for another fixed match. Once in the ring, however, Junk Dog lets out his frustration and takes down his opponent with a single punch, inviting the ire of the Mafia that runs the underground ring.
Nanbu is called into a restaurant to meet with the (presumed) mafia boss, Mr. Fujimaki. With distressed, muffled screams in the background, Nanbu anxiously apologizes for his partner's behavior in the ring and begs for more time to finish paying off his debts. Fujimaki says that they can be square, as long as he gouges out his other eye with a knife. Cornered and desperate, Nanbu says that he and Junk Dog are going to register for Megalonia, and when they win they'll be able to pay off all of their debts. It's a long-shot, but Fujimaki accepts the terms.
Coming to terms with what he just promised, Nanbu talks to Junk Dog outside and tells him they have 3 months to turn him into a champion. Junk Dog isn't concerned.
The unexpected benefit of the earlier screams is that there's now a citizen ID that Junk Dog can assume in order to enter Megalonia. The only assistance that Fujimaki is willing to offer, the episode ends with Junk Dog taking on a name.
Simple, but effective! Now, Joe and his coach are on the path to the top of Megalonia, and the series steams ahead!
Megalo Box continues to impress on numerous fronts as it enters its second week.First, the animation. There's been a lot of hemming and hawing about the resolution and the graininess of the series, but it certainly strikes me as a purposeful aesthetic and it's executed marvelously. It doesn't necessarily feel like it belongs in a 2018 lineup, more like a 1998 lineup, and that's not an insult.Second, the plot/pacing. Sure, we've seen underdog stories before, but Megalo Box has done a great job of introducing the characters and broader world and getting the tournament arc kicked off in 2 brief episodes. Nanbu is despicable, but the room for improvement makes me excited for the relationship that the two will develop in the weeks to come as they battle their way into Megalonia.Finally, the music. Holy moly the music. If the visual aesthetic wasn't enough, the soundtrack for Megalo Box really drives home a nostalgic feel. The rap segment around the 11 minute mark does a fantastic job of painting a picture of the city and world that Joe and Nanbu grew up in. The opening and ending themes are also spot on, conveying the spirit of tenacity and fearlessness that Joe seems to embody so well.With the introduction of Fujimaki and the mob, I'm also interested to see how Nanbu's backstory plays into the broader story as it moves forward. Can't wait to see how things kick off next week. Time to fight our way to the top! Let's go Joe!You can watch Megalo Box on Crunchyroll every Thursday at 11 AM Pacific time!Episode 3 is here, and so is my review. Fight on Joe!