The Geekly Grind

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Master of Magic Remake Launches on Steam

Master of Magic is back! MuHa Game’s remake launched today on Steam, much to my excitement. While I never could get the hang of the original 4X game, it takes up a special place in my heart. This remake has been in the works for ages, and I’m so happy it’s finally out.

Looking at Steam reviews, it’s hard to tell if this iteration captures the magic of the original. The Steam community seems split down the middle! Some players find it a faithful re-imaging while others think it lacks the spark that makes it Master of Magic. I just want to know if the game is properly balanced compared to the original, but nothing mentions that. Given the $39.99 price point, as excited as I am, I’m going to wait for a sale.

If you’re interested in taking the plunge, buy it here! And let us know what you think, either in the comments or on our discord!