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Manga Review: Dimension W, Volume 1

By: Rae[yasr_multiset setid=7]Warning: Here be spoilersDimension W was first published in Japan in 2011, with an anime starting at the beginning of this year. The English translation hit shelves in the US at the end of February, and while I’m generally not overly interested in sci-fi, the cover caught my interest immediately.We start off in the year 2036, with the discovery of a new dimension, known as W. Energy from this dimension is swiftly harnessed and monopolized by New Tesla energy. By 2072 it powers the whole world, by way of fusion reactors called coils. When illegal (and unsafe) coils not owned by Tesla begin to appear, New Tesla’s solution is bounty hunters known as “collectors.”dimensionw_001_shot001Kyouma is the first character we get to know. He spends his time in a junkyard, working with old cars and definitely has the old-fashioned bounty hunter feel. Kyouma clearly is wary of coils and seems to shy away from the technology. Between his scenes we get glimpses of a young girl in a hood who is rushing home to her sick father.In a rather expected twist of fate, Kyouma’s next job (assigned by a club owner named Mary) leads him straight to our mysterious young lady – a robot named Mira. Unfortunately his job is ambushed by a group called the D.A.B., an official part of New Tesla Energy. A brief conversation with the chief of D.A.B., Albert Shuman, reveals very little.It turns out that Mira has made off with the illegal coils that Kyouma went to retrieve, and that the D.A.B. is after Mira’s father – the founder of New Tesla, Shido Yurizaki, who has disappeared with his research. Ailing from a heart condition, Shido is kept alive by coils, brought back to him by his “daughter." Tracked down, Shido initiates a huge explosion, disappearing and destroying all coils nearby.



Following the incident, Mira wakes up surrounded by Mary, Kyouma, and the technician Cricket, and begs to join them. She seemingly has been programmed to “follow the illegal coils” upon Shido’s actions.


Begrudgingly accepted as part of the team, Mira joins Kyouma in his next venture. “Loser” – a famous art thief – is introduced. This time he’s after a statue seemingly powered by a coil, and Kyouma is eager to try and catch him. The volume closes as Kyouma is in pursuit.Off the bat, I have to say that I really enjoy the characters. A few are fairly familiar archetypes, but mostly successful ones. From Mary to Mira to Albert, it’s a diverse and colourful cast. Everyone has their own motivations, and each felt like a complete person. Along with an easy-to-digest art style, I was really pleased with this pick!The world that Iwahara has set up is fascinating, and surprisingly realistic, considering its science fiction nature. The beginning of the volume was very dense, letting us pick up on decades of history since Dimension W's discovery and immersing readers into the setting. It also comes with numerous mysteries. Where do illegal coils come from? Where has Shido gone? Why were Shido’s family killed? Who is “Loser?” What is New Tesla’s ultimate goal? I really hope the plot manages to keep its air of complexity in future volumes.Word from Zero Omega is that the Dimension W anime is really enjoyable so far, and I know I’m looking forward to volume 2, expected May 24th. It was a great read, and I have great expectations.