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Lost Castle 2 [Review]

Lost Castle 2 keeps the playstyle of the original. Being a beat’em up rogue-lite. It has a 2D, almost cartoony art style. The game was developed and published by Hunter Studio as the first game. Lost Castle 2 is currently still in its early access but is completely playable and purchasable right now. I encountered no glitches that prevented the game from being played. I saw some visual glitches, like one of my teammates not having a head and being pure white. The game being playable though, is much more important and glitches will be fixed with the official launch

The game plays very similarly to a beat-em-up, a bunch of enemies surround you at once and you and your team need to take each one out before progressing. There are different weapons to choose from, you can take a look at them and even select which ones you prefer. The game is also roguelite, so dying on a run means you start over. But, runs will grant you coins that you can use for permanent upgrades in your camp. These upgrades will allow you to enhance your stats.

I enjoyed this game and didn't run into any problems getting into a multiplayer lobby, which I can always appreciate from games that are great multiplayer. Rushing into a stream of enemies is always better with friends. And being able to do so easily, even in an Early Access game, is satisfying.

If you like beat’em ups I highly recommend this game. It’s an easy game to get into by yourself and with other people. And very easy to pick up and play every once in a while. The game is still in early access but purchasable on Steam. As the game progresses we will be adding more coverage. Even in early access this game gets a 10/10 this is one of the best co-op rouge-lite beat’em up games out here. It shines brightly next to castle crashers and Hades.