Look Out Trainers! New Pokemon Have Been Spotted in the Gala Region!
By: EyeSpyeAlex
The video game gods be praised: Nintendo has graced us with a sneak peek of Pokemon Sword and Shield. While only two minutes long, this latest trailer packs in a lot of new information. Let’s take a look at what Nintendo has revealed!
New Pokemon!
Similar to Pokemon Sun and Moon’s exclusive Alolanvariations of familiar Pokemon, the Galar Region will have its ownregion-specific variations of some classic monsters.

The first one revealed in the trailer is Galarian Weezing!With gaseous mustaches and top hat growths on their heads, this variation seemsto pay homage to England’s Industrial Revolution. The dual Poison/Fairy type isan interesting combination, and could reference the mystical lore that Englandis known for.

Revealed next was a Galarian version of Zigzagoon and its evolutionary form, Linoone! This Galar region exclusive has a third evolutionary form, the menacing Obstagoon. This dark/normal type seems to draw influence from England’s notorious rock and punk scene.

Nintendo also seems to be drawing inspiration from the band KISS in terms of Zizagoon’s unique markings, as well the Pokemon’s exposed tongue. With Zizagoon in my party I’ll be ready to Pokemon battle all night, and train every day!

The last Galar Region Pokemon revealed is by far my favorite: Morpeko! An adorably chubby mouse Pokemon, Morpeko has an Electric/Dark type.

The dark type seems especially prevalent when Morpeko enters Hangry Mode, an extension of its ability Hunger Switch. In Hangry Mode, Morpeko changes color and it’s move Aura Wheel changes from an Electric to a Dark type move. Luckily for trainers everywhere, as soon as Morpeko is fed the Pokemon reverts back to its adorable Full Belly Mode. You can be sure that Morpeko and Wooloo will be in my party!

New Rivals!
Along with new Pokemon, the Sword and Shield direct gave usa look at some new rivals for the playable character to encounter. The threethat premiered in the trailer are Bede, Marnie, and Team Yell.

With only their names mentioned it’s hard to say if theplayer character will have a friendly rivalry with Bede and Marnie, or if theywill be the game’s villains. This becomes even muddier when Team Yell is takeninto account.

Team Yell is described as “Marnie’s biggest fans”. This leads me to speculate that Marnie will is a popular Pokemon trainer, akin to Gary Oak in the original Pokemon anime. However, without any description on either Marnie or Team Yell, it’s hard to say if Team Yell will be troublesome like Team Rocket, or blundering “bad guys” like Team Skull.

Pokemon Sword and Shield comes out on November 15th, 2019. Be sure to check out our Amazon account to find out more information on how to purchase this latest Pokemon game and to see some of our other gaming favorites!