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Kickstart Your Weekend - SotM: OblivAeon

Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon

Type: Tabletop Card gameFunding End Date: Friday March 11, 2016Funding Status: FUNDED

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The Story

The end has come. A titanic force known as OblivAeon has arisen to bring an end to the Multiverse. Old Heroes and new will join forces to oppose OblivAeon and save each reality from certain doom.In Sentinels you and up to 4 other players choose a hero to battle again a single Villain in a rotational type co-operative card game. Difficulty is based on which Villain you select and Environment you battle on. This also leads to a staggering number of variations where no game plays the same. You can choose all elements at random, or pick your favorites. There are also variable game modes to go by which make each game even more unique.

The Pedigree

Sentinels of the Multiverse was originally released at GenCon 2011 as the brainchild of Christopher Badell, Adam Rebottaro, and Paul Bender of Greater than Games. OblivAeon marks the end of this 5 year series which includes 5 other expansions and several character packs. Greater than Games is the definition of a breakout Indie success story. Since their original release in 2011, GtG has published over 70,000 copies of the Base game. Their previous Kickstarter campaigns have all grown with each successful edition, culminating in the current campaign for OblivAeon which was funded within 30 minutes and broke a staggering $200,000 of funding within 2 hours.

The Perks

So far the Kickstarter Stretch funds have unlocked the following:All levels over $39 contain the Game.13 new Variant Cards4 New Character mini-Expansions2 New Environment DeckTokens to the Collector's CaseThe Comic BookThere's still the $1MM Mark which will surely be hit at some point in the next 21 days. This will be the final stretch goal.On to what you get:$1 - You get their thanks!$39 - You get the game!$54 - You get The Hero Variant collection!$69 - You get a Foil collection of The Hero Variants instead!$84 - You get both the Variant collection and the Foils!$99 - You get the ULTIMATE Collector's Case!$109 - You get THE CASE and The Variants!$139 - You get THE CASE and both the Variants and the Foils!$249 - You get everything in $139 and a Signed Canvas Print!$399 - You get THE MULTIVERSE! No really, you get everything in this Kickstarter AND the base game Sentinels of the Multiverse AND every other expansion from the series!

The Verdict


Sentinels of the Multiverse is a game that I've been playing for years. It's one that my game group has gotten more mileage out of than any other game, and that includes all of the iterations of D&D combined.Greater than Games have truly created a masterpiece in Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon. I'm sad but excited to see this Final Chapter.As of this article, Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon has raised nearly $875,000 in pledges with 21 days left.For more on Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon and Greater than Games, click HERE for our interview with Chris Badell.Happy Funding!