Katana Maidens ~ Toji No Miko - Episode 5 (Review)
By: ThunderheavyarmKicking off from last episode, Kanami and Hiyori prepare to leave their hiding spot but immediately run into Ellen and Kaoru. They prepare to fight, but they explain that they’re with a rebel organization called Mokusa. As it turns out, the events from earlier were all a test to see if they would be able to join. Hiyori doesn’t trust either of them, but Kanami sides with them mostly thanks to their pet Aradama Nene. They’re interrupted as the Aradama detector Hiyori has reacts to the presence of an Aradama. The Spectrum detector used by Ellen however shows nothing and they’re attacked by a swarm of insect like Aradama.The four are separated during the attack, with Kaoru facing the swarm alone. At the same time, Kanami and Hiyori are attacked by two of the elite guard. Kanami is able to defend herself from second member Konohana Suzuka, but Hiyori is overwhelmed just trying to defend herself from first member Shidou Maki. Thanks to a feint by Hiyori, Kanami is able to throw her okatana to let Hiyori get a strike in, giving them the respite they need to escape. Maki has a slight nervous breakdown from being struck down. Contacting their third member, Satsuki Yomi, who is able to create the Aradama from cutting herself. Kaoru encounters her creating a new swarm and with a few swings of her sword destroys it and forces Yomi to retreat. Ellen makes one final appearance, approaching the base camp the elite guard began their operation from.
As it turns out, I got what I wanted...somewhat at least. We still don’t know much about this rebel organization, except that there are Toji working in it along with a weapon development branch. I really liked the combat for this one as well. The first and second members of the guard are clearly used to fighitng and the only reason the two girls are able to escape is some very quick thinking. While the third being capable of creating a strong force to fight for her, clearly has no combat ability, and is easily defeated once her swarm is handled. It’s a nice bit of diversity, where I thought there was only ever going to be one on one duels. With the series finally starting to gain some momentum, I’m actually really interested to see how the next few episodes play out.