Jump Back!
By: Spencer
Hi, my name is Spencer from Blake and Spencer Get Jumped and a web series called Tenants that almost nobody saw!
For the purpose of this series of articles, think of me as a young idiot instead of an older idiot that you have grown to love (possibly begrudgingly). We're setting the wayback machine and re-visiting my early impressions of some of the most iconic tales in the Manga medium!
When you woke up in the morning did you think to yourself, “What is the best magazine that I can pick up at the store?” If so, I have some bad news for you my friend: you were definitely born before the year 2005 because I swear to Goku that nobody is picking up magazines anymore.
However, back in 2003 there was an amazing moment when young weebs walked into their local grocery store excited to see maybe a MAD Magazine but instead they were hit with a little zine called Shonen Jump.

On the front there was a guy with big spikey hair, a young boy with a straw hat pointing right at you, another one that looked like he was serious about cards, a gremlin who might be throwing gang signs, and OH GOD IS THAT A GUN?!?! Nope, just a spirit detective (whatever that is).
It read right to left and it was the best thing that happened to me because when I think reading I think this needs more pictures and when I think this needs more pictures I think more pictures with people shooting lasers out of their hands. So, join me will you as I jump back into the mindset of someone reading these magazines for the first time!
Dragon Ball Z Chapter 1:

What the hell do you mean five years later… why are we reading something that is already jumping forward in time? Did I miss something here? Also, this guy is showing a lot of clavicle but he does seem to be bought into the Google Lens craze.

We start out with a farmer who has horrible monster chickens who is accosted by an asteroid egg from space. Our Google Lens friend is then going to come out of the egg and think man I want to curse that carrot or what I assume to be a carrot in this world. For some reason he spelled it Kakarrot.
Then this dude is going to straight up catch a bullet and flick it back at the farmer, so hard, that it kills the little idiot. After merking the farmer of the dino chicks he flies towards this dude who is super into shoulder pads.

Shoulder pads is like FLOOM! Then the other guy is like psh! Then there is some smoke and Google Lens guys is not phased. How unphased? Well he doesn't even have a smudge on his glass. He tells him that he is a punk and he isn't going to waste his time but he thinks let me go find this baby carrot to murder.

Despite the hatred of vegetables and aggressive shoulder pads, I think I'm in! Feel free to sound off in the comments about the first Shonen Jump series that caught your eye, and check back as I Jump Back into other classic stories!
See you next time on Dragonball Z in Jump Back!