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Journal of an Anime Newcomer Part 3

By: RogueSymbiote

My binging sessions continue as I play catch up in the world of Anime. If you haven't yet, check out my first two entires here: Part 1 and Part 2. This round of Anime has been INCREDIBLE and quite bloody honestly... Let's get to it!

The Misses

This time around there was only one series that didn't quite impress me. Berserk (2016) season 1 had some interesting concepts, but I could just not get into the animation style. Before anyone jumps down my throat, this isĀ not the original Berserk series. I was finally able to find the original run and plan on binging that very soon. Guts is an absolute beast with his sword and the action is a spectacle, but there's just something missing from this newer take on the Berserk name. The final battle in season 1 looked more like Michael Bay disaster porn than anything else. The backstory however sounds incredible and I can't wait to sit down and watch what came before this misstep.

The Hits

Tales of Zestiria the X was a pleasant surprise. I was not expecting much from the series, but with a mix of beautiful animation, action and clear character motivation, this series letting me wanting even more. Sorey is a human that lives among the seraphim and wishes to reunite the relationship between the two races. Malevolence spreads and Sorey becomes the Shepherd who will battle against these evil forces. This series is pretty much a blend of Sword and the Stone and Avatar the Last Airbender. There are some vague concepts, but I was pretty impressed by the series as a whole. You can check out my full review of this series in the hyperlink above.Hellsing Ultimate is a non-stop bloody thrill ride from beginning to end. This anime plays with the mythos of vampirism and the Hellsing family. Alucard, a vampire, serves the Hellsing family/organization to fend off monsters that infest the world. The Hellsing Organization runs in accordance with the will of the Queen of England. Not only do they kill evil creatures, but they are also at odds with the Vatican and their army of Regenerators. Throw in some Nazi vampires and you get an all out murder-fest on screen. There is also an incredible transformation of the meek Seras Victoria into a absolute force of nature. The character development in this series is unbelievably engaging. Fantastic dialogue, dazzling animation and some of the coolest fight sequences you will ever witness. If you haven't had the pleasure of watching this anime before, I strongly suggest doing so.

Drifters was another blood filled series by the creators of Hellsing Ultimate. This anime centers around three Japanese historical figures who have been plucked out of their time period at the brink of death and placed into a world where opposing forces will decide the fate of the world. Drifters, at its core, is about coming together and rising up against incredible odds. Toyohisa, Nobunaga and Yoichi join the Octoberists in their battle against the Ends. The Ends consist of mainly Europeon historical figures like Joan of Arc and aim to destroy humanity. Drifters is a fun mix of history and fantasy that is sure to entertain and thrill viewers.

The Mega Hits

One anime in particular has made me literally stand up and cheer at the screen. My Hero Academia feels like a love letter to anime and superheroes. It feels like a more grounded version of X-Men, while still being so far out there. I understand the hypocrisy of that statement, but I don't know how else to describe it. The series follows Izuku Midoriya's journey from a quirkless nobody into the world's greatest hero. If you are on this website, you no doubt already know the premise behind this show. Rather than wasting time about the main points of the show, I feel like pointing out why so many connect with MHA. Putting it simply, WE are all Midoriya. Every kid who has ever read a comic, watched a superhero show or seen an anime has hoped to be just like the hero being portrayed. Midoriya is living out all of our fantasies by being given the opportunity to rise up from mediocrity to become something truly great. MHA has successfully created a plethora of original characters that each viewer can relate to. The second I finished season 2, I immediately wanted more. Luckily I won't have to wait long because season 3 of MHA drops in April of 2018.

Looking for Suggestions!

These past few months I have been devouring every anime I could get my hands on. If you feel like there is any series I need to watch immediately, please let me know in the comments down below. If you've seen these anime or any other I've mentioned from previously articles, let me know what you think! Well, time to get back to watching more anime... because that's pretty much all I do now.