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Indie Comic Blitz - Zombie Zero (SDCC 2019)

By: Mithrandiel

As San Diego Comic Con's 50th anniversary comes to a close, I decided the best way to spend my final day on the exhibit hall floor would be to scour the small press area for any notable comics that caught my interest. Whether the title or cover art stood out to me, or someone just managed to catch my attention, these titles may otherwise get lost in the shuffle, and deserve your attention! 

We so often see the zombie apocalypse from the start - patient zero infects someone, who infects hundreds of others etc and then BOOM, zombie death and destruction.

But what about when mankind wins? After the disease has settled and the zombie hordes have been battled back...what do you do with the last zombie alive?

Critical Entertainment's Zombie Zero deals with this very question. Take a listen as we chat with Christopher Reda, writer and creator of Zombie Zero, regarding his inspiration for the story.

You can find more from Critical Entertainment here!