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Indie Comic Blitz - Fanbase Press (SDCC 2019)

By: Mithrandiel

As San Diego Comic Con's 50th anniversary comes to a close, I decided the best way to spend my final day on the exhibit hall floor would be to scour the small press area for any notable comics that caught my interest. Whether the title or cover art stood out to me, or someone just managed to catch my attention, these titles may otherwise get lost in the shuffle, and deserve your attention! 

Fanbase Press has been putting out some great comics for nearly a decade now, and so when I walked by their table, of course I was drawn in by whatever potential hit they now had on their hands. President Bryant Dillon took a few minutes to discuss their latest title, Sequels, as well as the action-packed and gruesomely awesome comic The Arcs. Take a listen as he shares information on both of these promising works!

If you're interested in checking out what Fanbase Press has to offer, visit their site here!