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Halo: Outpost Discovery Tour Announced

By; AlanV

Halo fans is select cities will get the opportunity to have the ultimate fan experience as Xbox has announced Halo: Outpost Discovery. Xbox bills it as a way for fans to experience various facets of the venerable franchise in a new and immersive way.

According to John Friend, Head of Consumer Products - 343Industries, “Halo: Outpost Discovery is a touring fan experience for all ages,that brings the Halo video game universe to life like never before. Thisweekend-long event lets you step into Halo’s vast and epic world, withenthralling themed attractions, interactive in-universe encounters, the latestplayable game releases and so much more.”

The tour will begin in Summer of 2019 and will hit fivemajor cities across the United States:

  • July 5 - 7: Orlando
  • July 19 - 21: Philadelphia
  • August 2 - 4: Chicago
  • August 16 - 18: Houston
  • August 30 - September 1: Anaheim

Fans who attend Halo: Outpost Discovery will be able to geta look at a real Warthog, play against fellow gamers in a laser tag arena, andexperience the Halo universe through VR. There will also be informationalpanels with the creators of Halo and special guests, so fans can learn moreabout their favorite franchise.

Halo has fallen out of the spotlight in recent times, and nolonger commands the attention it did in the past. Having this tour where megafans can come together and geek out over all things Halo is a smart move.Another important detail is that they are looking to make it friendly to gamerswho are new to the series.

This might be the shot in the arm Halo needs as a new entryinto the franchise was announced at last year’s E3. Only time will tell if thistour accomplishes what Xbox needs it to.