Gears of War: Hivebusters Comic Now Available
Gears of War fansnow have a new entry into the universe, Gearsof War: Hivebusters, which is being brought to life by writer Kurtis Wiebealong with artists Alan Quah and Pierre Droal. They will be exploring a new sideof the Gears of War universe acrossthis five-part series.
The story centers around three new characters being introducedto the franchise, Mac, Lahni and Keegan. These three COG soldiers comprise the ScorpioSquad, a fearless and tactical COG unit. This brave squad signs up for the unenviabletask of being purposefully captured by the Swarm so they can then cause havocbehind enemy lines.

“I think what will surprise people the most is how heartfeltthis mini-series is,” says writer Kurtis Wiebe. “Alongside some amazing,brutal, bloody battles being realized by the amazing Alan Quah, I’ve been ableto weave a shattering story of loss and grief. Gears of War has always balanced those aspects of storytellingreally well, and for Gears fans, it will feel like home, but totally new.”
The Gears of Warfranchise has fallen on some hard times recently, losing the luster it built upover the last decade. It definitely needs an injection of life, and introducingthree new characters might be what the series needs. If the story provespopular enough with fans, it’s something that can be explored in a new gameentry.

Whether or not the events in the comic series make it into avideo game, it’s still a good move by Xbox to keep interest in the franchisegoing. They might even be able to widen the fanbase by getting the attention ofpeople who are comic book lovers but, haven’t gotten into Gears of War yet.