The Geekly Grind

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Fly Punch Boom! [Review]

Fly Punch Boom! can be characterized as a simplified, anime-styled fighting game reminiscent of Dragonball, but with a stickman aesthetic. Combat involves flying at the opponent as fast as possible and pressing buttons with precise timing, indicated by a moving bar. Successful timing can result in delivering more powerful blows or evading attacks. This is similar to Dragon Ball z Budikai 3 when players must chose the correct buttons to defend, fight or counter during rage encounters. When confronting an opponent, players must choose one of three buttons. If the player's button selection "beats" the opponent's, the opponent is launched in a manner similar to the rock, paper, scissors dynamic. If both players choose the same button, they engage in a button-mashing contest.

Launching opponents is the most effective way to inflict damage. When launched, the player must press a button within the safe zone of a displayed bar to avoid a creative and varied death animation, contingent upon the object they were thrown into. Despite its simple appearance and mechanics, the game maintains a high level of intensity. The game features a diverse roster of characters known as "punchies," each with a unique special ability, albeit with varying degrees of utility and frequency of use. Additional punchies and outfits, referred to as "Cosplays," can be unlocked. The punchies' unusual and comical appearance is explained by the in-game lore, which states that they are "immortal, sexless beings that reproduce through combat" and shape the stars and galaxies through their battles. Fly Punch Boom! is easily accessible and can be enjoyed with friends due to its short rounds and intuitive controls. Fly Punch Boom! Is out now and available for all platforms.