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Eiyuden Chronicles Kickstarter Enters Final 24 hours!

Eiyuden Chronicle Hits Multiple Milestones With 48 Hours Left, Provides Details of Free DLC to Backers and Premium Tiers, Announces Closing Stream

The Eiyuden Chronicle Kickstarter campaign has 48 hours left and has hit 36 of its Stretch Goals, surpassing $3.7M in funding. It has become the 6th most funded video game on Kickstarter of all time, the most funded video game on Kickstarter in the last 5 years, and the most backed Kickstarter video game project in Japan of all time.

The campaign has secured Stretch Goals that have added many features to the game -- from additional characters to extra localization languages and voiced dialogues, to new mini games, new systems, even full orchestration, hot springs, and a detective agency. Remaining Stretch Goals include:

$3.8M "Theatre Content" - A new gameplay element that adds the 7th and final job reward tier to the campaign

$3.85M "Kunoichi” - A female ninja selected via fan vote

$4M "Backstory Novel" - A DLC digital novel crafted by Yoshitaka Murayama

$4.25M "Hero Mode" - A randomly generated dungeon that features fatigue and requires multiple upgraded parties to reach the lowest of levels

Eiyuden Chronicle also reached a major milestone in hitting its first DLC to backers. In crossing the $3.25M Stretch Goal, all backers will now receive the “Another Story: Marisa” DLC on their respective platforms. This content pack will contain a 5-10 hour adventure featuring one of the central characters in the story. Players will get to see the world of Allraan and its many problems through the character’s eyes.

In addition, the campaign will be reopening previously sold out Premium Tiers for one backer only, available during each 24 hour mark of the last 48 hour period (2 backers total per tier). Rabbit & Bear Studios has stated this will be the last time to purchase these items and that they will not be available post campaign. Two Mega Premium Tiers will be added -- one for backers to have their face on a fish in the game and receive a physical plush version that speaks 10 phrases from the game, voiced by one of the dialogue actors. The other will be a tier that allows a backer to appear as a full-fledged NPC in Eiyuden Chronicle. This NPC will appear in a sequel, should it ever be made, and is priced at 750,000 yen.

Murayama has stated, “When we first set off down this path it was a new challenge for us. We knew so little about Kickstarter and of course, in the back of our minds, we had the anxiety of wondering if gamers really wanted something like this.

A Kickstarter campaign isn’t about selling a slew of units—It’s about having a plan and concept that is validated and supported by the fans. It’s a call for help to the most passionate supporters to fight alongside as we develop this new entity called Eiyuden Chronicle. Many of our supporters have even said, “It feels like we are a part of making this game together.” And yes, I feel that statement is absolutely true.

We have character designs that are chosen by fans, group songs, and a wide variety of connective content. Being able to work with such passionate fans over the next two plus years to develop the game is going to be so much fun.

There isn’t a lot of time left in the campaign, but we truly hope you’ll be a hero and take this journey with us. Not only as fans, but as friends!"

Rabbit & Bear Studios will be holding a 4-hour live closing stream which will feature Muryama, Kawano, Komuta, Murakami, as well as some secret guests. The stream can be accessed from the following link:

The Eiyuden Chronicle Kickstarter campaign will end on Saturday August 29th at Noon ET/9AM PT/4PM UTC.