By: RogueSymbiote
Spoilers Ahead!
The exhibition matches between Universe 7 and 9 continue as Majin Buu faces off against Basil. After an intense battle, Buu comes out victorious. Gohan then squares off against Lavender, who quickly blinds/poisons the young Saiyan in order to gain a clear advantage. Against all odds, Gohan is able to hone his other senses and match Lavenders strength. The match ends in a draw as both fighters can no longer continue. Finally, Goku and Bergamo clash in an epic battle. After displaying incredible abilities, Bergamo is defeated by Goku.
Goku can't rest for long as Top from Universe 11 confronts the Saiyan for playing a part in the orchestration of a tournament that puts entire universes at risk. Their fight however is paused by the Grand Minister in order to build excitement for the Tournament of Power. It is then announced that the tournament will be an 80 fighter battle royale.
The universe 7 team returns to Earth in order to recruit the remaining members of their team for the tournament. The task becomes increasingly difficult as not everyone is jumping at the chance to face off against the strongest fighters in the cosmos. Majin Buu begins his training while Goku and Gohan recruit Krillin, Android 18, Piccolo, Tien, Master Roshi, Vegeta and Android 17. After some unexcited battles and tough negotiating, the team is finally complete! A wrench is quickly thrown into their plans however as Majin Buu falls into a deep sleep and won't wake up. Can Universe 7 find someone strong enough to fill the last team spot before the tournament? Find out in Dragon Ball Super Part 8!

Dragon Ball Super: Part 7 is a quick paced, action packed thrill ride. With no time for filler, this run of episodes is full of incredible moments that serve to build up the Tournament of Power. The action sequences are exciting and creative. As the tournament will be a battle royale, combo moves become far more prevalent. Watching Gohan and Piccolo team up hits you right in the feels. And Ultimate Gohan vs SSB Goku?! It doesn't get much better than that.
The story is different and creative as all other universes paint Goku as the villain. They believe that his naivety has doomed them all, which is honestly justified. It's pointed out that Zeno Sama was going to destroy the "weaker" universes anyway, so in reality, Goku has given them a fighting chance for survival.
Aside from the battles, there is a lot packed in these episodes. Bulla is born, Ultimate Gohan returns, Cabba recruits more Saiyans for Universe 6, Majin Buu becomes a lean mean fighting machine and Uub is FINALLY mentioned. I know Dragon Ball GT is everyone's favorite, but I've always been a fan of Uub so I'm excited what the future brings for his character.
The only criticism I have for Part 7 are the inconsistencies among power levels. I understand that Krillin has some fun techniques, but there is no way he could face off against Gohan. Probably the most glaring issue is how Android 17 is able to go blow for blow against a SSB Goku. Androids are strong and all, but how does becoming a wildlife ranger boost your strength as much as training will a god of destruction and an angel?! Aside from minor issues, Dragon Ball Super: Part 7 is possibly one of the best sets to be released so far. The battles, story development and curveballs make for a very enjoyable time.
Box Set Review
Dragon Ball Super: Part 7 features episodes 79-91 on two Blu-ray discs. The semi metallic box art of Ultimate Gohan makes for a great display. The episodes can be enjoyed in both English and Japanese. Extras include textless songs, trailers and an interview with Rawly Pickens and Chuck Huber. You can find your copy of Dragon Ball Super: Part 7 right here!
Note: Funimation provided us a review copy in exchange for an honest review