Spoilers Ahead!
In a desperate attempt to defeat the fused Zamasu, Goku and Vegeta don the potara earrings to become the powerful Vegito once again. This formidable saiyan powerhouse quickly ascends to Super Saiyan God Blue and proceeds to lay the smackdown on Zamasu. As Vegito continues his onslaught, the time limit on the potara is surprisingly cut short due to the level of power produced by the fused saiyans.
With Goku and Vegeta drained and hurt, Trunks rejoins the fight. With the help of all remaining life on the planet, Trunks harnesses a spirit bomb into his iconic sword and slices Zamasu in half. Victory is short lived however as Zamasu's immortal entity blots out the sky with his haunting presence. With no other option, Goku calls for the Zeno Sama of Trunks' timeline to purge the world.
Our heroes use the time machine to return to their timeline as Trunks' world is left in ruin. With the help of some friendly gods, an alternative timeline is created so Trunks and Mai can return to the world they know. Zeno Sama from Trunks' timeline is brought to the main universe to play with the other Zeno Sama...
Fast forward through some filler and the final episode of the box set introduces an exhibition match for the tournament of power between Majin Buu and a warrior from Universe 9.

Aside from the final battle with Zamasu, a fun encounter between Goku and Hit, and the set up for the Tournament of power, this box set is loaded with filler. The Zamasu arc is completed in the first episode of the box set which continues to be the standard for the series. I understand this creates motivation of the consumer to buy the next set, but I'm a fan of having a complete arc in a single package like the old DBZ sets used to be. There is SO MUCH FILLER. It doesn't help there are 2 entire episodes dedicated to Great Saiyaman who is the bane of my existence.
The crossover with Dr. Slump was just weird and out of place. Vegeta breaks the 4th wall constantly in the episode and it just doesn't seem to fit with the tone of the series. The baseball episode is entertaining at times, but there is just so much Yamcha trolling I can handle before I lose interest. The assassination storyline between Goku and Hit is a shining light in the abyss of filler. The action is phenomenal and the plot twist is very fitting.
Quick thoughts: Vegeta is clearly the better father at this point. Goku is an even greater moron than we all thought as his actions in creating the Tournament of Power will result in the destruction of all losing universes at the hands of the two Zeno Samas. While I love this franchise, this is definitely the least exciting compilation of episodes as a whole. The convoluted alt-timelines is a bit much at this point. The upcoming Tournament of Power will be fantastic, but this set is little more than a stepping stone.

Box Set Review
Dragon Ball Super: Part 6 features episodes 66-78 on two Blu-ray discs. The semi metallic box art of fused Zamasu looks great on display with the previous releases. The episodes can be enjoyed in both English and Japanese. Extras include textless songs, trailers and some phenomenal interviews with voices actors Matt Mercer, Sonny Strait and Kyle Herbert from Anime Expo 2018. You can find your copy of Dragon Ball Super: Part 6 right here!
Note: Funimation provided us a review copy in exchange for an honest review