Dr. Stone Season 2 Episode 10

Time to wrap up the Doctor Stone coverage midway into the Spring Season. I know it's embarrassing late! I, uh, had multiple personal things pop up but I am determined to finish what I started. So without further ado! The Dr Stone episode 10 you've been waiting for. All....well.. two of you.

Full disclosure, I was going to do both episodes 10 and 11 in a dual episode post, but I just couldn't without reaching atrocious lengths. So each episode gets its own post!

Please note, my impressions rely on ya'll having watched the episode. If you don't watch them, you won't know what I'm talking about. Plus, the episode aired a few weeks ago, which is DECADES in the anime world. So watch them already.

It turns out that the previous episode, while a high moment, was not the true climax of the series. Instead, it's been leading up to this point. I will say there is so much great in episode 11 to unpack, and I'm not sure I can do it justice. Not only were there some pretty bad-ass moments, but the writing does some super interesting things that someone way smarter than me could really expand on. I will do my best, though!

Let's start with the super emotional moment the episode opens on. Mirai, Tsukasa's sister, has been brought back to life, healed from brain damage she suffered back in the pre-stone age world (and fully clothed thanks to Yuzihara). While we don't get to know very much about her, she's delightfully adorable, and I welcome her addition to the already packed cast. This leads to Kohaku relating to Tsukasa because they both did everything they could to help their sisters, even when it was futile.

There's also the irony of Tsukasa rejecting Senku's science only for our science to save Tsukasa's sister. She probably could have been revived much, much sooner if he hadn't tried to murder Senku. But! As Senku would say!

Back to the episode. Homura escapes and starts a diversion for Hyoga. Full disclosure, I was so disappointed in Homura. I was hoping for way better from her character. Like goshdarnit, Senku gave you cotton candy. I uh, think her character design and movements are neat and want her power to be used for good, okay?!? But no, Homura has to be a pain in the butt at least ONE MORE TIME. Fine, I'll go to Wonder Egg Priority for my gymnastics girl, I guess.

Hyoga leads Tsukasa and Mirai away under the guise of needing to wash excess rocks off Mirai. But it's all a rouse to take out Tsukasa. Lull the two into a false sense of security, attack Mirai, Tsukasa throws himself in front of Mirai, Hyoga skewers Tsukasa, and then bam. The strongest man in the world is gone, leaving Hyoga in charge.

This works distressing well. But it's also an important moment. Because Tsukasa can protect Mirai when he was too weak before. Every single little thing comes full circle in this show.

Senku shows up right as Tsukasa is stabbed, and the three of them are washed down the river for the showdown.

I don't want to spoil the details because on the off chance someone hasn't watched it yet. This is one you should watch for yourself. It's a great fight. But here are some key takeaways:

  1. The previous episode stated the answer to Might vs. Science is that both Might and Science together are the ultimate combo. The show then has Science (Senku) and Might (Tsukasa) work together to fight an evil butthole who wants to return to the ideals of the old world (Hyoga). There is something really great about two characters of opposites side teaming up to beat up the villain.
  2. I haven't talked about this much cause I didn't give it much thought. The show has been mentioning the problem that the earth can't support the full population once revived. Here, Senku presents the most hype, confident "We'll work together and figure it out." answer. Ya'll this show is so cinematic and wholesome at the same time.
  3. Tsukasa finally realizes he's been a buttface. In the last episode, he was hellbent on just having a truce with Senku and nothing more. In this episode, he realizes Senku has always kept his promise to him (what that was, I can't remember), and therefore he needs to keep his promise to Senku. And with his last stand, he does.

And that's all I got for this episode. What happens next, now that Tsukasa has a big hole in his lung? Find out in episode 11...when I get to it. For now, have some more wisdom from Senku.

Final rating: Best episode of the season. Max stars.


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