Dr. Stone Season 2 Episode 7 Review "Secret Mission"

(Note that I am trying out a new format to see if this works better than the previous one. Here there be spoilers from this point on.)

With Chrome having been saved, this episode returns to focusing on the bloodless conquest of Tsukasa’s camp. Gen continues to try to convert people with his Lillian Weinberg disguise. Having been trained by Niki, Gen is far more believable than Lilian and starts to win over villagers. However, Ukyo, with his superhero hearing, sees the commotion and comes over. He can immediately tell that Gen is fake.

It seems the gig is up, but Ukyo wants to negotiate with Senku rather than immediately turn the Kingdom of Science in. Being the cynical butthole I am, I had believed Ukyo had some evil ulterior motive that would make Tsukasa tame in comparison. Thankfully I’m wrong (which I’m grateful for as Ukyo is an adorable guy).

It turns out Ukyo was never on board with Tsukasa’s plans. Tsukasa’s murder of the stone adults made him very uncomfortable. However, he had also been too scared to fight back...until he sees his opportunity to get what he wanted when he discovered Senku’s secret mission back at Tsukaska’s base. Yuzuriha has been gluing the destroyed statues back together, 3D puzzle style. Senku theorizes that this should allow the people previously thought dead to be restored, which is such a ridiculous, unbelievable idea that I love and hate it at the same time. Dr. Stone has the wholesome ‘no man left behind’ attitude that I absolutely adore, even when it strains the limits of believability. And hey. It's alien stone magic. Who am I to say what is and isn’t realistic regarding the stone statues?. 

Back on track, discovering this secret mission convinces Ukyo that he can achieve what he wants by working with Senku instead of serving Tsukasa. Ukyo tells Senku that he will aid his cause under one condition...that no one dies in the siege of Tsukasa’s empire. Not killing anyone was something Senku hoped to achieve in the first place, but with Ukyo’s loyalty on the line, Senku decides that not killing anyone is a must. 

With two spies and the plan working, now seems to be the time to move out. Perfect timing too. Yo, rather than face Tsukasa after his defeat,  has disappeared from the Tsukasa’s Empire. He leaves behind his stone mask and tells his goons to declare him dead. Tsukasa is saddened and goes to bury Yo- mask at Senku’s grave, upon which a little too late, he discovers the cell phone.

The final high note of episode seven at the end while Senku is laying out the final battle plans. During his speech, Taiju and Yuzuiriha emerge from the forest to join the Kingdom of Science. Finally, the three are reunited.

Episode Thoughts Not Covered Above

I thought this was a pretty solid episode. This was helped by Ukyo being in the spotlight, someone who is becoming my favorite character. He is definitely a very good boy, and I am happy he has joined our heroes.

Outside of that, I didn’t really have any strong emotional reactions to this episode. Dr. Stone is sometimes super goofy and sometimes doesn’t make a lot of sense. It also sometimes requires a certain suspension of belief. I felt all three of these were factors in this episode, but at the same time, the series is so wholesome and charming that I can’t hold any of this against the show or the episode.

While not the best the series has to offer, it was an enjoyable watch. Dr. Stone is capable of much greater than this episode had, but it wasn’t underwhelming either. A nice middle-of-the-road preparing for the climax episode.

Episode Rating-7/10

As always I am looking forward to next Friday’s episode!

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