Disc Creatures (Review)
By Rae

I guess it depends on your age, but I’m sure a lot of gamershave the same memories I do – curled up on the couch or the bed under ablanket, clutching a Gameboy or Gameboy colour or Gameboy pocket decked inwhatever colour best represented you. The graphics, until a time, were blackand white, but that didn’t stop it from being a magical adventure into anotherworld. Specifically, I remember playing Pokemon. It wasn’t the only monstercatching game in the world – I’ve since learned that there’s a long traditionof them – but it was the one that caught us all up here in the US during mychildhood. We learned which creatures were strong or weak against which othersand worked to build teams to show off to our friends. It’s a feeling that Inever really thought anything could recapture in 2019, as the world becomesever-more-digital and graphics ramp up in colour and detail.
Which is why I was so pleasantly surprised when I received a copy of Disc Creatures to check out and review. Developed by Picorinne Soft and published by Dangen Entertainment, Disc Creatures feels 100% like pulling out a Gameboy, in the best of ways. The nostalgic graphics and catchy 8-bit music are a lovely step back to the 90s that should catch your eye if you were fond of any monster catching games – and given Pokemon’s popularity, this should be an area that hits nostalgic buttons for a lot of us.

As a sidenote, I want to be clear that while Disc Creaturesis inspired by classic monster catching RPGs, it’s definitely got its own feel,story, and charm. Pokemon, I think, is the most popular thing that I canmention to give people an idea of what to expect, but Disc Creatures is a newgame all its own, which is the best part. With new creatures to learn and afun, chapter-based story to adventure through, it’s a fresh, new experience,wrapped up in just enough nostalgia.
Starting off in your hometown, today is the day that you –YOU! – will become a Disc Ranger (DiscR) for short. Trek over to city hall,sign the agreement, and prepare to pick your three starter creatures. With theworld around you opened up, you’ll start to hear about different rumors andstories that guide you to your next step. First up? There’s a creepy cabin inthe woods that might just be haunted… time to investigate!
I really enjoy the Disc Creatures story – there are lots ofelements of mystery that are fun to explore and uncover. To make it evenbetter, creatures can talk and interact with you. Not all do, but occasionallyyou’ll run into some in town or in the forest, or you’ll learn the motives of acreature currently playing the villain. It’s a touch that makes the world justa little cooler to explore as you investigate the relationships betweencreatures and humans.

You’ll gain discs for creatures sometimes when you fightthem, though you can use items to make it faster and more likely. You’ll alsobuild experience by running into other DiscRs along the way and battling them. Youcan have a max team of 3, which you’ll have from the start when you choose 3out of 5 options at town hall. Of course, every type has its strengths andweaknesses, and Disc Creatures really highlights this.
It also features a fairly high learning curve, in my opinion.In particular I found myself struggling a little with a 3-wave challenge thatasks you to pick one specific type of creature to fight against – one wave wasfine, and two was doable as well, but by the third I was realizing that Ineeded either a stronger team, higher levels, or a better understanding of thegame.
Fortunately, while you dont have endless randomized encounters, you can leave an area to refresh the creatures wandering it. If youre struggling to move forward, it makes it pretty easy to grind it out. You can also really easily switch out moves for your creatures - a feature which I loved!

While I love the soundtrack and the sound effects thatimmediately bring me back to childhood, I do have to comment that the game isreally, really, really loud. I had to turn it down more than 50% when itmade me nearly jump out of my chair on startup. However, that aside, DiscCreatures features a soundtrack as charmingly nostalgic as its graphics, andgreat sound effects as well. There were times I found myself opening it whileworking on something else, just so I could listen to the background music. Thegraphics are also polished and colourful, while maintaining that “back in the90s” aesthetic. As a package, it reminds me of childhood, in the best of ways.
If you’re looking for something fun and nostalgic to play,Disc Creatures is a great bet – it’s a perfect reminder of the days of our favouriteGameboy games, while still being fresh, new and fun. Check it out!