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Dawnrunner #3 [Review]

Dawnrunner #3, written by Ram V and illustrated by Evan Cagle, continues to build on the spectacular sci-fi series with an emotionally charged and visually stunning installment. This issue delves deeper into the connection between our protagonist, Anita Marr, and the spirit residing within the Dawnrunner, named Ichiro (or “Ichi” for short). Each time Anita pilots the Dawnrunner, she uncovers fragments of Ichi’s past, revealing a life that predates hers by about 400 years, dating back to the arrival of the Tetza. Notably, Ichi is accompanied by his two young children, Ken and May, in these glimpses of the past, and his struggle to keep them safe as the Tetza first arrive works to add depth to his character.

Parallel to Anita's exploration of Ichi’s past, we learn more about her own young daughter, Annie. Stricken with a disease contracted from the Tetza, Annie teeters on the brink of consciousness, and her health deteriorates further in this issue. Anita’s desperation to find a cure for her daughter drives her relentless battle against the Tetza, unveiling the tender emotional core that fuels her fight. Ram V masterfully conveys Anita's helplessness, making her struggles all the more tragic against the stoic facade she must maintain while piloting the Dawnrunner.

Evan Cagle’s artwork in this issue is nothing short of breathtaking. The action sequences are particularly noteworthy, showcasing Anita’s growing familiarity and synchronization with the Dawnrunner in dynamic and visually compelling ways. Cagle’s attention to detail in facial expressions and body language adds another layer of depth to the storytelling, making each panel a visual feast. The final panel, featuring the ominous design of a new type of Tetza, is especially striking and sets a foreboding tone for future issues.

There are elements in Dawnrunner that will resonate with fans of Neon Genesis Evangelion, particularly the concept of a "ghost in the machine." Ram V executes this familiar trope with near-flawless precision, crafting an engrossing narrative that feels both fresh and reminiscent of classic sci-fi themes. The interplay between Anita and Ichi’s spirit is compelling, adding a unique dynamic to the mech-piloting action.

Overall, Dawnrunner #3 is a stellar continuation of an already remarkable series. With its fantastic core narrative, memorable characters, and superb artwork, this issue stands out as a high point in the series so far. Ram V and Evan Cagle have created a rich, emotional, and visually captivating world that continues to evolve and surprise. As Anita’s story unfolds and her connection with Ichi deepens, readers are left eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this riveting sci-fi saga.

Final Score: 9/10