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Crow Country Release Date Announced

SFB Games’ survival horror game is coming soon to Steam and PS5.

I played the demo for Crow Country on PlayStation 5 a few months back and have been eagerly awaiting news about it since. Developer SFB Games announced the release date for the game today. The game will launch on both PS5 and Steam on May 9!

Crow Country is a survival horror third-person shooter styled after PS1 classics in the genre. It’s set in an abandoned theme park inhabited by monsters that you must fight while carefully managing your resources. The demo had me hooked; it felt great to play and nails the aesthetic.

The year is 1990. Edward Crow has disappeared. The owner of ‘Crow Country’ (a small theme park in the rural outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia), he has not been seen since he unexpectedly shut down his park two years ago. The silence is broken when a mysterious young woman named Mara Forest ventures into the heart of the abandoned theme park in order to find him.

• Are the disturbing rumours about Crow Country true?
• Who, exactly, is Mara Forest?
• Why did Crow really shut down his park?

Crow Country’s story explores reckless human greed and the idea of an unforgivable sin.

Wishlist and demo the game on Steam or check out the demo on PlayStation 5.