Critical Role Review: NYCC Panel

By: I.Am.No.Man.

The Legend of Vox Machina Table Read, Teaser, and Release Date

If you weren't able to catch the NYCC's virtual Critical Role panel live, don't worry! While the video is only available to NYCC ticket holders and ReedPop Metaverse members for the next month, the panel will release worldwide on Amazon Prime in November. In the mean time, you can catch up on all the detail and exciting tidbits here with the Geekly Grind.

The wonderful Erika Ishii led the Q & A panel touching on some of the behind the scenes tidbits. Most of the info was explored in Critical Role's Crew and A video series. The cast touched on the process of voice recording during a pandemic, executive producing with 8 of your closest friends, and bringing their very own characters to the big screen. They also recapped the selection process for animation studio, character artist, and composer for the series, along with a brief teaser of how they could possibly choose which NPC's to keep and how many of their closest voice acting friends snuck in the final product. It was also revealed that the first two episodes of Legend of Vox Machina will be more introductory episodes to help the series be stand alone and accessible to new fans who've never seen Campaign 1. While the episodes will not pull from any streamed episodes, they are still considered canon of course.

Then we got a quick bar scene table read! This sneak peek perfectly showcased just what to expect from the (not so kid friendly) series. If there was any doubt that this will be an adult series, hopefully this scene cleared it all up. There was drinking, bodily fluids, cursing, Vax being his beautiful bisexual disaster self, and of course...gore. I can't wait to see more!

The panel wrapped up with this gorgeous opening sequence showing off the high energy action shots and beautiful landscapes all set to the high fantasy score composed by Neal Acree. I love those golden threads of fate weaving our heroes' story across Exandria. I can't get enough of those character intro shots! Keyleth's wild shape Minxy making a fearsome appearance, baby Vex, Vax and Trinket after Thordak's attack on Byroden, besties Grog and Pike tearing it up, Scanlan showing off his pipes, and goth king Percy owning his anime badass throne (anyone else catch Orthax looming over his shoulder?) And FINALLY, we have an official release date! February 4th 2022! Set those Amazon Prime account to renew, get your launch party snack list going, gather all your closest critter friends... Only...119 days until premiere day!

Don't Miss It!

Check back in with Critical Role Review for the Campaign 3 premiere October 21st! We're also still waiting on the third and final Elder Scrolls one-shot. Don't worry critters, only a couple more weeks before regular Critical Role content is back on the schedule!




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