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Critical Role Review: C2 Episode 95

By: I.Am.No.Man

Episode 95:

Episode 95. What a roller coaster of emotions. We get a full hour and a half of Jester and Artagan being....well Jester and Artagan. It was hilarious, it was alarming, it was endearing, but most of all, it was definitely a cult. There was a bit of a lull for me during the middle part of the episode. After the Nein continue their trek into the jungle, the pacing petered. I mean, they did spend the better part of an hour poking a dirt mound until Matt finally gave them a monster encounter. But then, Matt pulled a Mercer and left us with a gut punch of a cliffhanger.

Watching Jester and Artagan interact with each other was amazing. After 95 episodes of buildup! I do so enjoy the little reminders of campaign 1 that pop up throughout the episodes. Besides Allura and Kima's brief appearance, this has been one of the most solid tethers we've had to the Vox Machina story line. One of my favorite moments had to be the call back to Garmielie/Artagan's hate of the Fey Theater. Jester's amazingly overdone introduction of Artagan to the Nein was another moment that had me in stitches. She did her Jester best to talk her friends into accepting Artagan for who he is and try to convince them to pull the biggest con at Traveler Con.

After all the excitement of the morning, the journey into the jungle was rather tame in comparison. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't shopping episode boring. But when your only encounter is giant chitinous silverfish that spit wax, it's not edge of your seat brawl. I can feel a big baddie battle coming. I can smell it! Just have to be patient.

Art By: @caitmayart

With how easy the middle of the episode had been going, I almost missed the big moment of the ending. In fact, I had quit watching about 10 minutes before the episode ended thinking I could write up the review and finish the last bit before Talks Machina on Tuesday. Thank goodness some Twitter art hinted at a missed cliffhanger and I quickly picked it back up. I was not prepared for what Matt had up his sleeve.

Every time Caduceus mentioned his missing family, a deep anxiety would turn my stomach, I knew Matt wouldn't just outright kill his family off screen. That would be too easy. I wondered if each member would have had their separate lonely moments where they were lost and Caduceus would have to follow the trail piece by piece. But no! Matt had to pile stab wound on stab wound when four precious Clay family members were among the petrified statues. I. Was. Not. Ready. That Gorgon beastie that Matt flung out there at the last second has my hairs standing up on end. I can barely wait for the next episode! Is it Thursday yet?

Don't Miss It!

C2E2 Live show is quickly heading our way! Don't miss the live show premiering Thursday February 27th at 5pm Pacific on their Twitch Channel.

All Work No Play is back with their second episode of this season. Sam and Liam do some Ghost Hunting! Tune in 4 pm Tuesday the 18th before Talks Machina.