Creator Spotlight - Andrew Kafoury
By: Mithrandiel
A couple years back I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Andrew Kafoury - a talented storyteller and world-builder who had constructed a Conan-esque comic series called No'madd.
Our paths crossed yet again recently at WonderCon 2019 - where I saw that his comics had received a visual overhaul, which prompted me to swing by and check in on how things were going. Check out my interview with him below!
Helloagain, Andrew! It’s been a while since we first showcased No’madd - what’s beengoing on with the property over the last year or so? Can we expect more comics?
This last year has beenabout growth and patience. Diamondhas agreed to push our books, but I wanted to improve the art and story alittle more and then begin distribution.
Illustrator Aaron McConnell joined the team – Aaron is an incredible fantasy illustrator. With his help we have seven No’madd books completed – and an eighth book on the way.

What’sbeen your biggest learn in bringing No’madd to publication, and beyond? Wasthere a problem you weren’t expecting to have, and got blindsided? Or didthings largely shake out as you imagined they would
Things have gone better than expected considering fantasy adventure is a tough sale. You have to be really committed to make fantasy. Printing is the toughest part.

We hada great conversation around the nature of creating a world and the influenceexternal forces like TV studios have when we connected at WonderCon. What hasbeen your experience so far with No’madd beyond the comic space? If you couldgo back in time, what would you do differently with that in mind?
My experience with Hollywood and its story formula system has been wonderful. I’m grateful for the people in story development for film and television who have reached out help me better understand myself and my story. But at the same time, I’m also grateful that I found out how to get this story told my way. I don’t think I would change anything I did in this process. Except I would have stayed off social media and worked harder.

We’rein an interesting time - creator culture is rampant with services like Twitch,Etsy, Patreon and Kickstarter helping people to bring projects to life thatwould otherwise be laughed out a “traditional” boardroom. Do you think thatthese services have made it harder for unique works to stand out and getrecognized?
I don’t think so. I think the most important thing is to make your story as good as you can. Don’t worry about what other people think or do. Just try to produce good work.

What’snext for you? Any sneak peeks into the next world that you want to bring tolife?
I’m collaborating on anenvironmental story for a graphic novel that could be adapted into a majormotion picture but everything is under contract so I cannot share more thanthat.
Lastquestion - reading any interesting comics at the moment?
These days, I mostly reread Classic X-Men. But I love Sansa Takeda’s art in Monstress.
If you haven't had a chance to check out No'madd - we highly recommend it! You can find the books here.