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Crackdown Comic Series Announced

By: AlanV

In celebration of the release of Crackdown 3, Microsoft Studioswill be working with Dynamite Entertainment on a comic book series for thefranchise. Jonathan Goff (Halo) and artist Ricardo Jaime will be at the helmfor the series, bringing the story of The Agency and Commander Jaxon (Terry Crews)to readers.

According to Will Tuttle, Xbox Wire Editor-in-Chief, “Themini-series will add context to the events of Crackdown 3, telling the story ofa series of devastating blackout attacks that have plunged the world intodarkness and chaos, leaving the super-powered heroes of The Agency to rise,restore peace and deliver justice.” Jonathan Goff added, “If you play Crackdown3, the story we’re telling in the comic will add depth to the world.”

To boost interest in the series Microsoft Studios is handing out free digital download codes to issue #1. Anyone eager to jump into this new comic can head over to to get a code, which will need to be redeemed on Dynamite’s digital store page.

Crackdown 3 didn’t have a good release, as it didn’t manageit impress gamers with its lackluster gameplay and story. Its art style willtransition easily into the comic book sphere, so it makes sense that MicrosoftStudios wants to go in this direction. Having someone with as much personality asTerry Crews lend his likeness to the endeavor will certainly help.

Although it feels too little, too late for Crackdown 3. Thegame is awash in negativity or plain old indifference, a problem that iscompounded by the fact that there are so many good games to play. However, ifthis ends up being a fun series that readers can enjoy on its own it might justhelp preserve the franchise. Allowing for a resurrection on the next Xbox; andsuper hero movies are all the rage right now, right?