Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card - Episode 3 (Review)
By: EyeSpyeAlex With my Card-capturing counterpart feeling under the weather this week, it was up to me to bring you the latest episode of Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card. Need to catch up? Catch our review of last week’s episode here!Sakura and Tomoyo quickly catch Syaoran up on the events of the previous night. While he does seem concerned that a creature appeared in Sakura’s bedroom, he chalks it up to being another mystery of the clear cards. The incident is quickly forgotten as the girls eagerly prepare for their club activities, only for it to suddenly start raining. The rain grows with intensity, becoming a near gale by the end of the school day. Sensing a Card nearby, Sakura quickly does a new costume and prepares to face the enemy. Using Gale and Siege, Sakura makes quick work of sealing her newest Card: Aqua.But the fun doesn’t stop there! The next day while at cheerleading practice, Sakura suddenly finds herself alone and senses a Clow creature nearby. She uses Gale as a location system to find the invisible creature, then Aqua to give it form. Once she sees its shape, Sakura is able to seal her second card of the episode: Reflect. As she reflects on this later with Kero, Sakura suddenly collapses. In her altered state she finds herself face to face with the mysterious hooded figure and notices something alarming. The figure is the same height as her.
While this episode certainly gave us a new mystery to ponder surrounding this figure, it also added some depth to Toya’s character. Toya admits to Yukito that he discovered something about himself that he can’t reveal yet. Given that Toya allegedly transferred all of his powers to Yukito, it’s a mystery as to what Toya has up his sleeve. Since it’s only the third episode of the series, I feel like we still have a long ways to go before this is revealed.
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card continues its obsession with flower aesthetics in this episode as well. Instead of using flowers as a backdrop for our characters, flowers are instead used to frame the characters. I really enjoy that the animators manage to work flowers and floral aesthetics into each episode, and hope they continue this trend. If they could just figure out pacing then this would be my favorite show!
New episodes of Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card air on Sunday’s on Crunchyroll and VRV platforms.