Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card - Episode 12 (Review)
By: EyeSpyeAlex and RaeWith the winter anime season now ending, we were pretty excited to see how Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card would leave things for the break. Need to catch up? Check out our previous review here!To put it bluntly, this episode was a pretty lackluster ending before the series picks up for the spring. The episode opens with Akiho telling Kaito that she is continuing to have bizarre dreams. In her latest dream, she was looking down at a person, but couldn’t tell who they were. All she knows is that she wants whatever they have. Kaito tells her that while it’s unfortunate she doesn’t know what the dream is about, he’s glad it is finally progressing.Meanwhile at school Sakura and her class prepare for the sports tournament. With Sakura’s skill, her team wins the basketball tournament. After she finishes, she heads over to the badminton tournament where she sees Akiho and Syaoran facing off. The two are evenly matched and tied at a score of 18-18. As Sakura wishes for the two to end in a tie, the universe seems to answer her plea as it suddenly begins to hail.
Sakura, Tomoyo, and Syaoran quickly figure out that the hail is the work of another card. This especially becomes clear when the hail begins to target them. Syaoran uses magic to burn a hole through the clouds, which allows Sakura to see the source of the hail. Using her staff, Sakura manages to secure the Hail card. Just as the sky clears up, Akiho comes out looking for them and sees Sakura in her costume. Before Sakura can come up with an excuse, Akiho asks if it’s for another play, which Sakura quickly agrees to.Back at home, Sakura prepares to head to sleep early. However, her sleep proves to not be restful. She soon finds herself face to face with the mysterious being, who quickly attempts to summon Sakura’s staff necklace. Sakura holds onto it and is suddenly face to face with the being. When she asks the being what it wants, it quickly becomes much larger and prepares to swallow her. Sakura quickly wakes up with the necklace still in her possession, while on the streets the being is seen watching over her house.
This episode has shown us that Akiho and Kaito are definitely somehow connected to this whole mysterious figure. Between Akiho’s mysterious book and Kaito’s familiar looking watch, there is no denying their connection. The only problem is we still don’t have a conclusive answer on who or what the figure is. The plot just continues to toy with us in a way that was appealing at first, but has quickly become annoying.
While the series is on hiatus for a week, Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card will resume on April 8, 2018.