Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition Review

By: Gentleman JebMost shooters try to dazzle players with new environments and a cool weapon or two, but they're all still variations of the same theme. Whether it's fighting terrorists in the Middle East or blasting aliens in space, I'm tired of playing overblown military shooters. That's why Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition sets itself apart. It's an exciting, fun game that doesn't take itself too seriously while constantly reminding players that they're not playing a sim. Eschewing realism and embracing opens up possibilities in nearly infinite ways, and this game proves it!Right from the beginning, Grayson Hunt proves that he isn't fit to lead the ex-peacekeeping force known as Dead Echo. His thirst for revenge kills most of his team and strands him on a strange wasteland-style planet inhabited by a variety of deadly humans, mutants, and nasty creatures. Not only that, but in order to escape Grayson is forced to cooperate with the one man in the universe he wants to kill the most, General Serrano. Machismo is rampant in this game, as everyone not only looks like Gears of War rejects, but they're also "tough guys" who curse more than a drunken sailor who just missed last call.

People Will Fly

“Kill with skill” is the name of the game, and it means much more than accurate shooting. Players earn points for Skillshots (taking enemies out in stylish ways), and these points are used to purchase ammo and upgrade weapons. Simply shooting enemies earns a few points, but it's much more fun to grab them from afar with the electric leash, yank them towards me, then kick them backwards through the air and shoot them before they hit the ground. Sliding into enemies and sending them flying into environmental hazards is also good for a laugh.Complex moves like this, as well as kicking enemies into spiked plants, tossing them into electrical wires, and blowing up explosive barrels, earns even more points and helps keep gameplay interesting. Even more complexity is added by performing combo moves and then shooting particular body parts, like the head or the groin (ouch!). Part of the fun is experimenting with environmental objects, skills, body locations, and different weapons to discover new Skillshots. It's even possible to juggle enemies in the air with the kick move in order to aim them in the right direction for an environmental finisher. I find it ironic that developers People Can Fly crafted this game because keeping enemies airborne is an important part of the game.

This is Your Weapon, This is Your gun...

One would expect a lineup of cool weapons to use in this game, and Bulletstorm: FCE doesn't disappoint. Every weapon has a secondary function that varies from charged shots to explosive bullets, which adds yet another layer of complexity. I really like the quad-barrel shotgun as it literally blows enemies into pieces. Also fun is the Flailgun, which shoots a chain that has one grenade attached to each end. It's hilarious to wrap it around enemies because it immobilizes them, leaving me free to mercilessly detonate it at my leisure. My favorite weapon, however, is the headhunter sniper rifle because it lets me steer bullets after they've left the barrel. This feature is great for shooting around objects or dealing with dodging enemies. Even if you miss your target, it's possible to hit another enemy or steer the bullet into an explosive object.This updated version of the original game contains the single-player storyline as well as 30 single-player Echo challenge maps (six of which are new), 12 co-op multiplayer maps, and a new overkill campaign mode that lets players equip all weapons at once. In addition, the visuals have been completely reworked to upgrade the game to current-gen standards, including hi-res textures, increased polygons, new animations, and support for 4K resolution. This makes the game even more enjoyable when it's combined with varying level design and excellent physics. Enhanced audio is another welcome addition, especially for anyone with surround sound. For some reason, the default volume is much higher than most games, so I have to turn down my stereo every time I play the game.

Hail to the King

Duke Nukem fans will be thrilled to discover that the single-player campaign can be played with Duke Nukem as the star in what's called: The Duke Nukem Bulletstorm Tour add-on. Not only does Duke become the leading character, but players can also enjoy his signature politically incorrect banter as they're eradicating enemies using a bit of the old ultraviolence. Too bad there isn't more than just his image and voice, but I guess it's better than nothing. This mode is free for pre-orders, and I imagine it will become available to purchase in the near future.I'm pleasantly surprised at how well this shooter holds up after six years. Sure I could do without the invisible walls and a few other outdated tropes, but I had a lot of fun playing Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition. [yasr_multiset setid=2]


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