Attack on Titan - Season 3, Part 1 Limited Edition Blu Ray Set [Review]
By: Mithrandiel
Note - We received a review copy of this set from Funimation in exchange for our honest review.
When Attack on Titan first aired, it was a pretty big moment for modern fandom. With its superb animation, compelling soundtrack and grimdark plot, it captivated audiences, and arguably helped bring thousands of new anime fans into the culture.
After its momentous first season, fans were hungry for more, but it would be nearly 4 years before season 2 would ultimately arrive. While there were some nay-sayers when it finally did air, it renewed its place as a central series of the modern anime era. A gateway series that wove its narrative web masterfully - even with a stunning plot reveal masked in a casual conversation (AoT fans know what I'm talking about...)
Thankfully, season 3 wasn't far behind this time. Part 1, which is what this limited edition set contains, arrived roughly a year later. Centering on Levi and his feud with a mysterious, and thoroughly dangerous figure known as Kenny, season 3 didn't take long to deliver some jaw-dropping scenes, including this one of Levi's initial encounter with Kenny's squad in the city:
Now, the breathtaking first half of Attack on Titan, season 3 is yours for the collecting!

The season 3, part 1 box has a pre-filled slot for part 2, which will be arriving in early 2020. The set itself has taken a slightly different approach to its "extras", actually building the artbook directly into the beautifully designed blu-ray case.

The case itself features a thick, stock-board like material that opens easily like a book. Set in the middle is a small booklet that features early animation drawings of characters, and profiles for the central figures in season 3.

While not chock-full of artcard inserts, I was really impressed by the design of the blu-ray case and the integration of the artbook in a way that keeps it with your set, instead of finding a place to keep yet another collectible.
The special features from the set itself are also relevant, and add a lot of value. There are a handful of interviews with the Japanese and English voice actors for Eren, as well as directors commentary on the climactic episode 46 - "Ruler of the Walls". Too often the included extras are merely textless OPs and EDs and a handful of trailers, so being treated to the bonus content really upped the value for me.
If you've been enjoying Attack on Titan, picking up the limited edition set for season 3 is a no-brainer. Well designed, sturdily made, with excellent extras both physical and digital, it's a limited edition set worth picking up!