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Attack on Titan – Episode 41 (Review)

By: Thunderheavyarm Miss my review last week? You can find it here!

Spoilers ahead!

Last week, Historia remembered her time growing up as a child and the rejection she suffered by her mother. We also saw what happened that caused her to change her name and join the Scouts. In the same thread, we got to see a brief glimpse into Erwin’s past, and how his questioning the history of the walled people led to him joining the Scouts.

The scouts, meanwhile, become implicated in a large conspiracy. With the murder of boss Reeves by the Interior Squad, the blame is settled squarely on Erwin and his regiment. With the scouts being arrested throughout the walls, Levi and his team go underground to evade capture. While planning their next move, a patrol of military police begins to draw closer to their camp.


Picking up from last week, Marlo and Hitch patrol the woods outside of Trost. Marlo begins to question the need to hunt the scouts while Hitch rails against them for what happened in Strohees District. Captured after encountering Armin in a trap, Marlo attempts to persuade his way into joining, which Levi refuses. Jean takes the two prisoners into the woods and threatens to kill them, all of which is a rouse to verify their loyalties and the two become agents for Levi.

Meanwhile, Hange comes to the rescue of Flegel Reeves who is being pursued by the Military police. Initially, he refuses to fight, despite a brief impassioned speech by Hange. Escaping, Flegel is caught in what appears to be an abandoned apartment block, but is only a means to have more people aware of the government conspiracy. Flegel, in a moment of bravery also announces he’ll take up the torch of his father and help the people of Trost. Erwin in a tertiarystory line is tortured as well for information he may have learned.He’s eventually called to see the King and his fate and the Scoutsdecided. But not before we see a small council of people alreadydeciding that he needs to die in order to maintain the secrets of thewall. But at this point is clearly wishful thinking as the beginningsof a rebellion can be seen in the other two story lines.


While not as much action as there was a few episodes ago, it’s still there just rather low key. This puts it more in line with the guerrilla style of combat that’s happening now. I think my favorite moment from this episode is during the Hange and Flegel talk. The deconstruction of the trope that anyone will fight for you with a rousing speech, while fine in some instances, has rubbed me wrong more often than not. The fact that Flegel doesn’t even let Hange finish before calling the idea crazy had me laughing for a good while afterwards. Still excited to see where the story is going and if we’ll see Erwin killed in a future episode. That’s all for now, until next time… GG, everyone!