Assassination Classroom Volume 18
By: EyeSpyeAlex The latest volume of Assassination Classroom is out of this world…literally! No seriously, Karma and Nagisa go to space.The pair and Ritsu head up to the space station in search of answers on how to save their beloved teacher, Koro Sensei. After a brief standoff with trained astronauts, they get the information they were looking for and head back to Earth. With some help from Koro Sensei, they safely land near E Classroom, and hurry inside to decode the data. After some quick translation into layman’s terms, the class is delighted to learn that their teacher has a less than one percent chance of exploding! Not only that, but the ingredients and recipe are similar to those used in a previous assassination attempt.The only grey cloud in sight is the fact that they’ll have a tough time convincing the government that Koro Sensei is harmless. United, they agree to continue to attempt to assassinate Koro Sensei until they receive orders to cease and desist. Soon, they settle back into their routine of holidays, prepping for entrance exams, and assassination attempts. Everything finally seems like it’s going to be okay.…Except it’s definitely not. While the government is quickly planning an assassination plot to destroy Koro Sensei, Yanagisawa and the God of Death are also scheming. The two plan on killing Koro Sensei for ruining their lives, and this time they won’t let any students get in their way.
One thing I really enjoy about Assassination Classroom and especially this volume is how human they make certain scenes. Koro Sensei going out of his way to celebrate the holidays with his students really humanizes him. The students giving each other chocolate on Valentine’s Day, and the way Nagisa and Karma joke around in space, feels so typical of teenagers. This element of humanity adds a depth to the manga that enhances the story and atmosphere. Not only that, we finally have a budding relationship between Irina and Karasuma!
A volume of Assassination Classroom wouldn’t be complete without a myriad of costumes worn by Koro Sensei. From cheering uniforms, to holiday outfits, the one that stands out the most is his Santa Claus getup. From the coat, to the fake mustache, Koro Sensei’s outfit truly manages to capture the holiday spirit.
Fans of Assassincation Classroom can pick up Volume 18 now in stores, or read it here online with their Viz account. Volume 19 is currently available for preorder, and will be available on December 5, 2017.Note: Viz Media provided us with a digital copy of this manga in exchange for our honest review.[contact-form][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="true" /][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="true" /][contact-field label="Website" type="url" /][contact-field label="Message" type="textarea" /][/contact-form]M