Akimbot [Review]
Akimbot is a game torn between being a Ratchet and Clank clone and a Jack and Daxter clone. To start, Our hero? Exe who is insufferable at best, is an irritating, unlikable version of Jack, and we have Shipset who is a one-armed robot that reminds me of Daxter, only because he talks too much, but that's about it. Shipset spends most of the game providing nothing but constant bickering and arguments with the Exe. Since the main character is a bit insufferable, it kind of makes for an ear-bleeding experience. If players can get past this issue, then you can be prepared for a really fun game.
As stated before, Akimbot is a game that draws its inspiration from the Ratchet and Jack series, and it does an excellent job of displaying that inspiration. The gameplay is strikingly similar to those games, down to the creative guns seen in those games. However, the guns in this game are quite standard, so if you are familiar with those series, you have likely used the same guns before in other games. In that sense, Akimbot is a "been there, done that" kind of thing. But Akimbot does an excellent job of displaying the inspiration it drew from, and it accomplishes this with ease. The controls and platforming in this game are highly responsive, and the level design allows even a novice player to feel like an expert. There are times when you must wall run and shoot a target while in midair to form a small platform for landing, and then continue platforming. One would think this would require great precision, but the aim assist allows players to maintain their momentum without disrupting the flow of gameplay. Akimbot is a well made and very fun game. Players just need to get past the personality of the main characters and dig deep into the gameplay. For a mere $19.99, it is an easy game to recommend. The game is now available for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and Steam. While the main characters are insufferable, the gameplay is captivating, and the visuals are stunning. Akimbot is an instant classic.
the gameplay is captivating, and the visuals are stunning. Akimbot is an instant classic.