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A Cat & His Boy [Review]

A Cat & His Boy is an adorable top-down pixel game about a kitten caring for his owner as the young boy struggles with his parents' divorce. The game was developed by Howdy Riceball and published by RAWR Labs. Now, I know that description sounds a bit more intense than it is. The game is from the point of view of a tiny kitten who doesn’t exactly know what’s going on. So, instead, you go on your little adventure to cheer up your boy. From messing with the radio to get him out of bed to playing a Game Boy with him, it’s your job as his cat to help.

The game is brief and can be completed in about an hour, even with exploring everything. So, I won’t go into too much detail to not ruin the experience. As for gameplay, you mainly walk around and explore. And there’s even a short bit of platforming when you have to retrieve your stolen collar.

A Cat & His Boy is a wholesome little experience that I would recommend. The game is also cheap (Only $3!) and if you enjoy small and cozy games, then I think it’s worth it. A Cat & His Boy is an 8/10! The game is currently available on Switch and soon to be available on Steam.