91 Days - Episode 4 (Review)

By: RaeReview: 91 Days, Episode 4: Losing to Win, and What Comes AfterMissed previous reviews? Check out my thoughts on episode 3!91 Days 04 RatingIt’s been a week since they escaped the city, and as he and Avilio drive, Nero is haunted by memories of Vanno before Fio’s wedding. Meanwhile, the man hired by the Orco family to kill Nero slowly makes his way through the countryside after them.The men end up in the small town of Khota, where they go to stay at an auto camp. Here, there is a group of children accompanied by a few nuns, and Nero quickly goes to entertain and play with them. I had a feeling from episode 2 that Nero was going to be a likeable character. How can you dislike the guy who gets excited about pancakes and genuinely seems to make the best of his circumstances? While Avilio is still fairly quiet and unpredictable, this is maybe the first scene where he seems truly human, as he and Nero fool around alongside their tiny new friends.91 Days 04 Shot 002Settled by their campfire that night, Avilio leads Nero into a conversation about the Lagusa family’s murder. Nero reveals that it was his first job, and seems regretful, calling it “lousy work.” From the story, Avilio realizes there was one more person involved in the death of his father, not mentioned by the letter.91 Days 04 Shot 003Leaving a small trail of death in his wake, it doesn’t take long for the Orco assassin to track Nero down in a small-town speakeasy. They escape with their lives, but lose their car in the process, and are forced to flee the town. The chase reaches its climax late at night in the barn where Avilio and Nero take up refuge. In a flurry of knives and bloodshed, they survive the battle, and continue on their way.91 Days 04 Shot 00491 Days 04 Shot 005There was a noticeable improvement in the animation this episode, and as always the music was top-notch. Nero and Avilio make an unlikely, but likeable, pair, and the show is slipping into some more comedic moments now. Considering the gritty, moody atmosphere we’ve had so far, it helps to break up the drama, and has been pretty well-done. I’m particularly fond of Nero referencing “Gorillalith” and telling the confused farmer to read his Bible.I do still wonder where the Nero and Avilio partnership will end up. At times it's as if Avilio is warming to this seemingly big-hearted mobster, but certain moments (like the campfire scene) are a stark reminder that he always has his mission in mind. I think it’s been an interesting tactic, to continually develop Nero while Avilio remains largely a mystery, and I hope that it will continue to lend a level of unpredictability to the plot of 91 Days.Will Avilio come to care for Nero over time, or will he remain committed to his plan?Who is the fourth murderer of the Lagusa family?And what will happen once the Orcos discover their assassination has failed?You can catch 91 Days on Crunchyroll, every Friday at 2:30 EDT!


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