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Diablo 4 - First Impressions

By: Jeffery

Diablo 4 is FINALLY, almost here. I would be more impatient but after 11 long years, what's 2 more months? To satiate the hunger for demon slaying, we recently had two weekends of beta play. One open to people who preordered and the other was open to everyone. Here are my thoughts after my time with Diablo 4.

I got about 18 total hours in over the two weekends. Both opening day of each weekend was a wash due to long queue times but that was to be expected. During this time I got the Rogue to 22, Necromancer to 17, and the Barbarian to 7.

Overall, I had a great time with everything. The Rogue, surprisingly, was the one I had the most fun with. I wanted to play the Druid when the game releases so I didn't try him during beta. The Barbarian and Druid don't get their character power until later level, so I didn't think I could get a fair representation with them

The story seems like it's going to be great. From the few main story missions I did, it already has more depth than all of Diablo 3. I tried not to do a ton of the main story just so it would all still be new to me come June. Yes, I know the beta was only a small slice of the game. I'm just weird about things like that.

The one thing that jumps out to me is that it feels like a very single player, multi-player game. I know that sounds contradictory - but hear me out. I played the beta solo and it was a great experience. I can see where having a party and rolling around the world would be fun; I just don't think it's necessary for Diablo 4.

Going to the hub areas around the map and seeing the other players there, kept that community aspect alive. A very MMO type of feel. Everyone at the main city to sell, gear up, craft, etc. You know the drill.

I would then go out and do some exploring, only to see us all teaming back up for a World Event. A very cool feeling for sure, and an interesting take. I say that because when you think Diablo, you think party. I don't think that will be the case least not with Diablo 4.

These are all just my thoughts and opinions on this game based off of a beta. I'm not going to give it a rating or anything like that since it was only a small sample size. I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. When I wasn't playing it, I really wanted to be. I haven't had that feeling in while…probably since Elden Ring. I can't wait to see all the Legendary items and crazy builds. I am absolutely OBSESSED with this story and what all it will show. I think this little game called Diablo may just be a big hit.

Surely with E3 just around the corner, we'll be getting some new info soon....oof, wait…

Too soon?

Did you play the beta? If so, what are your thoughts? Who was your favorite class? Did you defeat Ashava? Feel free to let me know in the comments!