The Seat of A Champion [Ewinracing Gaming Chair Review]

NOTE: The Geekly Grind was provided a complimentary product in exchange for this review.

Gamers know the importance of a quality seat. Whether you’re settling in for a marathon gaming session, or just hopping on for a “quick” Apex Legends match, a sturdy seat with good support is the difference between staying spry and getting up from your seat feeling like Rip Van Winkle.

I’ll be honest - I’ve long been a fan of Ewinracing’s gaming chairs. We’ve reviewed the champion series before, but since it’s been a few years, Ewinracing was kind enough to reach out and see if we were interested in a newer model for comparison’s sake…so my curiosity was piqued!

I ended up selecting the black and blue “Revolutionary” edition of the Champion series, which came with both a back pillow and a magnetic head pillow.

Previously I had cited about 90 minutes of build time for the chair, and maybe it’s the fact I’ve been hitting the gym more lately (GO BEYOND!) but I had the chair up and running in about half the time on this build.

Thankfully, Ewinracing provides some handy tips on what not to do on the chairs - though I was a bit disappointed to learn my plans for chair-surfing were out the window.

Overall construction is fairly simple: slat the wheels into the base, secure the seat to the hydraulic component, place the hydraulic component onto the base, then attach the seat back and snap on the magnetic arm-rests.

I did encounter a slight hiccup when attempting to remove a red tag that said “REMOVE”. I struggled with it for a while before realizing it was screwed into the chair base. A few twists of an allen wrench later…

Voila - chair made!

This chair is designed to support up to 400 pounds, with a good wide seat to accommodate a variety of body types.

The maneuverability of the arms is great, and helps to contribute to its ergonomic design. It’s important your arms maintain a straight line, and that your elbows aren’t dipping off the front of the desk. Moving the arms forward also helps to provide this bridge of support.

The quality of the material is solid: the polyurethane (or PU) leather advertised as being stain proof and easy to clean, it’s also very comfortable. The comfort is also the result of higher quality foam, which is meant to maintain its support and comfort for an extended period.

While the chair has a great build and offers great ergonomic support, the leather does get a bit warm. I preferred the fabric design of my previous chair (which my wife has now confiscated for her own personal use) for this reason, and will keep it in mind when I get my next chair. Furthermore, the height adjustability is fairly limited on these chairs. There’s about a 2-3” variance at most, which might not be a big deal for most buyers, but just another point I wanted to highlight.

Overall, Ewinracing is out there offering some great quality chairs, and we’ve got a stellar discount code so that you can get one of these chairs for yourself: use “thegeeklygrind” at and you’ll save 30% off your order!

As we come up to the Christmas season, think about how good you’ve been this year. Don’t you deserve a treat?

We thought so.

Thanks again to Ewinracing for sending over this awesome chair - we hope you get a chance to add one to your gaming setup very soon!


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