The Geekly Grind

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Luto Demo Impressions

Luto is a new upcoming psychological horror game from SelectaPlay and Broken Bird Games. Our friends at Broken Bird Gamess and SelectaPlay were kind enough to provide me early access to the demo to give my general impressions! While the game had a creepy environment it wasn't too scary as you didn't have anything chasing after you or a real sense of urgency.

One point in the demo where something does chase you ,the demo did not progress for me unless I got caught. The lack presence did make me continuously anticipate a jump scare . something I will note is not being chased was a good way to engage the player in the world of Luto and experience the horror of being trapped, along with a sense of helplessness which was the entire point of the demo.

The player is trapped in an endless maze that's supposed to be your own home. It makes you feel lost in a place you are supposed to feel comfortable and familiar. I loved being put into this setting, the maze was confusing to navigate but once you go through the path it ended up making sense and staying in my brain. In the game there were doors that went to rooms on the opposite side of the house, stairs that went down only for you to end up on a lower floor, and a phone that didn't need full phone numbers to work. The game utilizing it's surround sound definitely helped put you into the environment and made the game feel scarier. I will note if you have 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound this team really knows what they are doing when it comes to audio mixing and atmospheric ambiance. The demo is available today on the PlayStation store and Luto will be released in 2024 for PC via Steam, PlayStation and the Xbox family of consoles