The Pull! [3.19.25]

Did y’all miss me last week? Well, I missed you guys so let’s get right into The Pull this week!

Let’s start with DC this week because I am beyond excited for DC x Sonic the Hedgehog #1 coming out this week! Watch I know this isn’t going to be groundbreaking but it’s Sonic and friends meeting some of DCs biggest heroes. Now we can canonically know who is faster? Sonic? The Flash?

I know I have been only doing one comic per publisher, but I feel like the Sonic one doesn’t count so let’s also talk about Absolute Flash #1, coming out this week. This Flash is Wally West, he is alone, no mentor, no family and no speed force? How is he fast? I want to know these answers.

From Marvel this week, there are some good choices, a lot of World under Doom crossover comics and x-men crossovers as well but I want to go with Ultimate X-Men #13, Peach Momoko has given us a unique take on the x-men this past year and now at the start of Year 2, there is a lot going on and leading up to the Ultimate cross over later this year things are getting interesting.

From Boom Studios this week, it’s Power Rangers Prime #5! We finally have a full team suited up and ready to fight but the VR Troopers are their opponents. I love the rookie team going against the veteran team trope, I’m excited to see how this fight pans out!

From Image this week, Bug Wars #2! I enjoyed the first one, and now that the second issue is here, I love where we are going with the story and how this mature take on shrunken trope is.

Last comic of the week is from Oni Press! Out of Alcatraz #1, is the start of a 5-issue mini-series that retells the events of the escape prisoners from Alcatraz that happened 1962. I love retellings of actual events that happened in the past. I am looking forward to see where this goes.

Now let’s talk about some comics that are on FOC for Monday March 24th. 2025.

From Marvel, The Avengers #25. A new Masters of Evil team is here and they are ready to ruin the avengers day as Doom is also doing his best being the new ruler of the world.

From DC, it’s The New Gods #5. I love the over my head plot and words that are spoken in these issues. I love how Mr. Miracle is one of the main characters of this series. I just really like this series and will always recommend it.

Oni Press is doing a new Adventure Time #1, a new story in the universe. I grew up watching the series and enjoying it. Anytime I can get some new content for this series I am happy.

The last comic this week is from Image Comics, Assorted Crisis Events #2, I don’t know much about this comic. I know it’s a one and done comic, an anthology series. All I know is the cover has a dinosaur who looks ready to rip someone apart and I am for it.

That’s it for The Pull! this week, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to see what comics we recommend this week! Please let us know if there are some comics you think we should be checking out!


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