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Release Date for Part Two of Pokemon DLC Annouced

Today The Pokemon Company finally announced the release date for part two of the DLC for Pokemon Scalet and Violet. See it below!

Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part 2: The Indigo Disk launches on December 14! Adventures await you at the Blueberry Academy, Trainers!

The Pokemon Company did not release any trailers or additional information about the DLC.

Did you buy the Pokemon DLC? If you did, are you excited about this one? Let us know in the comments!

Personally, I’m not sure how I feel! I still haven’t gotten very far in Pokemon Scarlet. They released it a little less than a year ago, so at this point I may never go back and finish it. Part One got lackluster reviews, so I’m not sure I’m missing much. That said, if I ever go back, having the expanded Pokedex would be nice!